Distraction (Rafe Adler) (P.1)

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"You're not gonna stand around behind me all night are you?" twisting your position to notice Rafe still continued writing away whilst he spoke.

"I'll go if you join me?"

"Like I said (Y/N), I can't. These papers need to be done and I'm not tired, which means I'm not going to bed when I'm making good progress"

"Y'know, there's one way to get someone tired?" you almost moan the words as your hands are set on his tense shoulders.

His writing halts for a moment, as his eyes fall shut and a smirk paints on his face in understanding what that statement meant. "Heh, I've too much to do. Can't be fooling around tonight" he chuckles continuing to write and attempting in any way he could to ignore your soft hands releasing the tension from his muscles via massage.

"You know, I can always put on that little piece you got me for my birthday? I know you can't sit still when I have that on, now can you Rafe?" his pen almost spasms the ink off the page as he suddenly stirs in his seat.

"(Y/N) Please..." he almost tries to cover the laugh with a cough attempting to continue his work and even attempts brushing your hand lightly away from his chest.

"You tore it off the second you saw it" you continue, your hands have dipped against his lower abdomen now, his taut muscles tight against his loose tee. "And we fucked all night" you whisper into his ear whilst planting a long wet kiss on his neck, "hard." His body tenses and his pen is no longer in grip, but rather falling onto the floor. You knew you had him flustered now and decided to play along further by removing all touch from his body.

"Oh! You want to get your work done, don't you" you innocently chime, patting the top of his seat and strutting around to the front of the desk, to indeed notice his face flustered and his seating uncomfortable. "You have important business to catch up on. I'll just leave you be" you almost wear the largest smile in existence when the sounds of his chair is been rolled backward and his feet crash to a stand.

"You stay right there" he almost growls the words and the heart in your chest thumps in excitement. His feet almost stomp toward you where you're greeted with him standing with arms pushed against his chest. "You really think you were just going to waltz out of here after saying that?" He laughs and pulls you flush against him, the appendage between his legs bulging against your bare thigh. "Bad move... I know your little games (Y/N)" his breath hits your lips as he teases you with closer contact, "now you see, since you've started this, you're gonna have to finish it" his brow quirks as his teeth become visible in a bright smirk.

"Oh, am I now?" playing along with his words you feel his hands grip your ass, his strength sweeping your feet from the floor in order for them to instead loop his waist. He carries you back to his previously abandoned seat and collapses you both into the thick leather. 

"On your knees. Now"

"I don't even get a kiss?" you pout and he simply repeats his previous words. Loving the dominant side Rafe was famous for always was a turn on in the bedroom. Giving a smirk, your body slides from his lap slowly, teasingly. He adjusts his seating in his chair and keeps his observient eyes on you, analysing your actions. Your hands dance up his bare legs until they reach the fabric of his pyjama shorts, the evident ridge twitching within. You tug his chair closer and plant a long kiss on it whilst holding the eye contact against Rafe. His lips purse in anticipation just as your hand cups him and squeezes, freeing a mewl from his pursing, as he grinds into your palm.

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