Chapter 15

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Hey babes, here's the second update. I hope you're all enjoying this book lovelies. If you could all comment, vote and all that jazz it'd be great. Next chapter might be smut. Idk haven't decided yet. Your responses are my motivation. All the love.
- Kitten🦄🎀

🎉Time skip in this chapter to when Harry and Louis are supposed to be deemed Alpha and Luna.🎉

     I turned my heads towards Haz and nervously bit my lip and I felt him squeeze my hand in return to release some of my nerves. Which didn't really work.

     I could hear pack members shuffle into the giant pack meeting space and settling into their seats, whispering about me. I had met all of them but that doesn't mean they all excepted me as their Luna.

     "If everyone could settle down and please silence themselves, that would be nice. Thank you." Des' voice boomed over the crowd and I heard Anne's heels click onto the stage, towards her husband. "As you all know my son has come to the age of being able to take over as pack Alpha and lead you all. Anne and I have agreed to give our positions to him if he found a mate.

     "We were amazed that the omega we had picked is his true mate and are more than happy to pass our positions down to them. After they mate. Which this is all happening tonight. These two are going to going to mate while the rest of us are going hunting. Then tomorrow morning the positions will be passed and there will be a new Alpha and Luna. It works out perfectly due to circumstances. So without further delay everyone is dismissed and we are meeting at the woods border in ten." I heard a couple howls as people exited out of the meeting room.

     I was fiddling with the end of the top I was wearing as I felt the Alpha's eyes on me.

     I was fiddling with the end of the top I was wearing as I felt the Alpha's eyes on me

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     "We will be gone for a few hours and that will give you time to ya know. And then yeah.." I blushed at his words and felt Harry grab my waist and I turned to bury my head in his chest.

      "Yeah yeah we get it. Please don't make this awkward Dad." Harry started walking us out of the meeting hall then paused, "Can't I just mind link the pack when we want you to return? Just to ya know be sure that you won't interrupt.."

     I hit Harry's arm and huffed while narrowing my eyes.

     "Ow! What was that for?" I felt his eyes move to me then lock with mine.

     "You may be getting some but what makes you think more than once?" My eyes widened and I froze when I remembered that Des was still here. "This is so awkward.."

     "Yes. Well, I'll just go now. Love you guys. Remember protection unless you plan on pups." I blushed and looked down and listened to him leave.

     "I'm sorry love I didn't mean to embarrass you. Now how about we go have a nice dinner an then uh.. Yeah?"  I nodded and Harry kissed my forehead then led me to the kitchen and it smelled wonderful.

     "What did you make? It smells amazing." I was sat in my chair and heard him dish out our food.

     "I uh found a pasta recipe I wanted to try and thank you love. I hope it tastes just as good as it smells." I took a bite once he finished speaking and moaned. Harry laughed. "Good?"

     "It's great Hazza." I looked at him when I felt him staring at me. "What?"

     "You're beautiful Princess. And I wanted to tell you that if you don't want to mate we don't have to." I blushed again and looked up into his eyes.

     "I-I uh... It's not that I don't want to cause I do. I love you and I know that you love me, but I always thought that I'd get married first ya know?"

    "We can still do that. Yeah. Yes!" I jumped when he shouted and his I heard his chair scrape against the tile and his steps toward me, I heard his clothes rustle slightly and he tilted my face down toward him and I locked eyes with him once again.

     "Haz?" I knew what he was doing and had already started mulling everything over in my head.

     "Louis William Tomlinson I know we haven't known each other that long but we weren't meant for each other and I know that I'll love you always. You mean so much to me and I constantly have you on my mind, thinking about all your little things, like how you talk in you sleep if you don't have a cup of tea before bed, and I love watching you squeeze those amazing thighs into your jeans, and whenever we spend time outside your freckles seem to pop out more and I love connecteding the dots. I know we both didn't like this originally but now I can't believe I ever thought that in the first place. And thinking to before that I had thought about spending my life with someone else just feels so wrong, it makes me sick. So I just have to ask, Will you marry me?" I started tearing up even before he began and I sobbed once before smiling so wide it hurt then nodding.

     "H-haz I love you so much. I- of course I'll marry you." I launched myself onto him and I heard him groan when he landed on the tile flooring.

     "I don't have a ring but I promise I'm gonna get you the perfect you right after we are deemed pack leaders. God I love you so much." I leaned over him and began snogging the life out of him.

     "I love you too. And you know I don't need a ring."

     "Princess I'm getting you a ring."

     I blushed again and I kissed him some more. I'm not sure how it happened but...

     We somehow ended up in the bedroom.

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