Chapter 6

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Hey babes. I'm trying to become more regular on updating but it's hard and I'm terribly sorry. But like I said no excuses, except for me just being lazy.
                                    - Kitten 😓🔫💋

Harry POV.

     I opened the door to the pack house and led Louis into the living room before closing the door behind us and locking it.

     Glancing at Louis I saw him with one of his arms put around his own waist and he was more hunched in on himself than before, and I noticed he was squeezing my hand tighter. Poor Baby.

     "Lou, calm down. You're gonna be fine I promise. They'll love you. Plus mum is there so that's one of the five people I wanted you to meet. Okay?"

"Y-yeah. Okay. Thank you for taking this slow." He squeaked when I pinched his waist trying to lighten the mood.

     "Sorry love just trying to lift the anxiety a little. You're way to nervous." Louis looked towards the floor when I said this. "No, Lou, I'm sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way. You're adorable, I just think you should have more confidence."

     "Yeah. I-okay. I'll try to work on that."

     "Okay enough chit chat. Let's go introduce you to people." I lead him into the kitchen and I saw Niall fangirling in his seat at how adorable Louis is.

     "Harry! He's so precious.." Niall screeched and stood walking towards us. Louis had flinched at his tone and stepped back to try and move behind me but I wouldn't let him.

     "Niall calm down. You're scaring him." I pulled Louis further into the kitchen and over towards the island everyone was sitting around. "Everyone this is Louis. He's very shy and also anxious, so let's not scream like Niall and scare him."

     "Hi everyone." Louis had stepped in front of me and spoke this so delicately. I'm already starting to want to protect him more than I've ever wanted to protect anyone.

     Maybe this will be good for me. I don't think I've ever felt this protective for anyone before and I've only known him for a few hours now. This forced relationship might be the best thing that has happened to me.

     "Louis this is a few of the most important people in my life." I motioned for everyone to get into a line so I could take Louis down it for introductions. "This is Niall, my beta. Liam, my third in command, and his mate Zayn. Zayn is also an omega. Gemma, she's my sister, and helps the pack with a lot of things, name anything to be around pups and she does it. Ed who is our defense specialist in combat and whatnot. He is also a very good friend of mind. Last but not least you've met me mum. These are the people you'll be around the most that's why I wanted you to meet them so bad."

     "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm going to apologize now cause it's gonna take me a while to really get to know you by your voices or scent so I'm sorry but I'm gonna try for Harry. And thank you for accepting me into the pack."

     "Harry. If you hurt him I'm gonna hurt you a hundred times more because he's precious." Gemma had stepped out of the line, causing everyone else to move and I watched Louis' clouded eyes move at the sounds, and came towards Louis pulling him into a hug. "We are gonna be great friends. I just know it."

     "I hope so. You all seem very kind and I'm excited to finally be accepted somewhere." Louis had slowly hugged Gemma back and tried to mumble these words to her for no one else to hear but that didn't exactly work. Is wolves have excellent senses and he didn't exactly whisper that well.

     "C'mon Lou lets go we want to see your wolf and get to know him." I spoke for both my wolf and I grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the back door. "It's late so no one else should be out there. You and me Love."

     "Awww." Almost everyone in the room cooed.

     "I-okay lets go. And uh my wolf is a um a female." Louis blushed and looked to the floor to avoid everyone in the room. His blush is now one of my favorite things about him now.

     Lois is precious.

     "Oh.. Well that's alright babe." I kissed his forehead and continued to pull him towards the backyard. "I'm also sure none of these morons will follow." I glared at the people behind us to make sure the message got across. They all nodded once.

     "Be nice." Louis scolded and smacked my shoulder. It was so cute, his glare was like a kitten and it felt like a baby had hit me.

     "Of course princess, my apologies." I kissed his temple and opened the door. We stepped down the porch steps and into the open backyard looking out at the forest.

     I could tell by the way he relaxed and his eyes lighting up that this, this will be fun.

Saving The Omega {L.S.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora