Chapter 23

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Hey Babes. Sorry for the long wait. But hopefully this update is good. Feedback appreciated.
All the love. Kat 💕

Time Skip In This Chappy!!!!!!!

°°°°Louis POV°°°°

It's been a few months since the awful vision I had and so far everything has been extremely calm, which is great, but has made me terribly anxious.

"Louis, stop shaking love. All of your tea is going to end up on the floor before you even get a chance to drink any of it." My eyes snapped to Harry from where I was blankly staring out the window.

"I can't help it. The- That awful vision.. Just-"

"I know Lou. But I promise nothing is going to happen to you or our daughter. We have more trained fighters than your father's pack has members and they all take shifts to watch over everything." I nodded slowly and Harry stood to walk to me and grabbed my hands. "And speaking of our daughter today is the day we actually see if she is a she."

I smiled at the words as Harry knelt down to kiss my stomach by my belly button and he smiled up at me.

"When are we to be at the pack doctors?" I still needed to shower and with the temperature getting a tad warmer I wanted to shave as well to wear shorts.

"Enough time to shower. The appointment is at 3. It's only noon now." He answered.

"Can you help me shave when I call for you? I want to wear shorts today." Harry nodded to me, knowing how hard it has become to bend down, let alone shave.

Although shaving is never easy. Especially when one has thick thighs. I become a contortionist in the shower.

"Can I help with lotion too?" I giggled at his eager question and glanced up at his eyes then nodded.

"Yeah babe. You can lotion them too." I paused and grabbed his hand off my bump and bit me lip. "How about we just shower together?"

Harry scanned my body, pausing at my lips and pulled me even closer to him while lifting me off the ground so I could cling to his waist.

"Fuck.. I love you so much, my little minx." He grumbled into my neck while leaving little nips here and there.

"Excuse me sir I am a wolf not-" I whimpered at a particularly harsh nip that made my eyes roll back. "Alpha.."

Harry turned and rushed up the steps all the while making sure I was securely held on his waist making sure nothing were to remotely harm the baby and I.

When we reached the bathroom connected to our bedroom he immediately set me on the counter trying to remove my clothing but I held his hands when they started to try and tug on my shirt.

"Hazza," I tried to grab his attention but I noticed he was more wolf than man right now so I resorted to a different method of gaining his attention. I whimpered out a soft, "Arkham?"

"Luna.." I noticed his immediate pause scanning my body to make sure I was okay.

     "Are you ok-?"

"I am fine alpha just want to start the water so it'll be warm for us but I can't and while you do that I can get undressed for you. Yeah?" Arkham's eyes met mine and he huffed, turning to the tub and I giggled starting to undress.

"Why don't you go in your wolf form anymore? I miss you." I stopped with my hands at the waistband of the yellow lace panties I was wearing and looked down to Arkham still kneeling by the tub. "It's been like 4, almost 5, months."

"Oh Arkham, I haven't been able too. The doctors didn't know if it would harm me or not because of the size of my wolf. Also Harry and I have been scared to let us roam and relax. My old pack has been-"

"You should not be scared." He growled sharply, not towards me, though I was still startled. "I would never let anything harm you, nor the pups. Also it is perfectly safe for you to shift. You have matured in your time here and so has your wolf, granted you will never reach a size like mine, you have still grown. Plus the dinner you gets the pups used to it the better."

"Arkham why do you keep saying pups? There is only one." Arkham just smiled at me and turned back towards the tub. "Alpha?"

"What's wrong baby?" I sighed when I realized Arkham let Harry slip back. "Arkham didn't hurt you did he?"

"No Haz. He just wanted to know why I haven't shifted in a while. After I told him though he said that it was perfectly safe. Harry can we go out in our wolf forms tomorrow?" I questioned him softly while using my most innocent face and Harry sighed.

"Lou you know why-"

"Arkham said that I have grown and the pup would be fine! I just want to shift."

"Louis! Do not raise your voice like that, we are having a civilized discussion not an argument and I'm not letting you shift."

"Not letting me?" I turned around and left the bathroom making my way towards the steps, hearing Harry behind me shut the water off.

"Louis what are you..?" I had reached the bottom of the steps when he tried to grab my wrist. "Louis?"

"Don't touch me." I growled then mocked him after saying, "I'm not letting you touch me."

I pulled out of his grip heading towards the backdoor and slid it open stepping into the deck we have.

I took a deep breath. Letting myself calm down while Harry stepped out in front of me.

"Louis please just listen to me. We don't know if Arkham was right or not what if he was w-" I lunged at him, shifting midair and pushed him to the ground.

I looked down at my paws beside his head and then sat on his waist. Letting him groan at the pain in the back of his head from hitting the deck.

"Okay. I'm sorry I was proven wrong and I should've never doubted Arkham. I'm sorry love." I huffed but stood and nudged him to roll over so I could take care of his head. "I'm just fine baby."

I nipped at his side then trying to get him to shift. Not being in this form for a long time has made me extremely excited and playful. I also feel that I have way more energy in this form than I did before, as well as letting the baby have more room.

"You've gotten bigger." I huffed as he pointed out my size. "I didn't mean like that baby. I meant your wolf is bigger."

I sat down waiting for him to shift so we could go sit by the packs pond. While he stripped down I found a patch of grass not to far from the deck and lowered myself onto it rolling around a little bit.

When I felt I had enough and was panting from the exertion. I noticed harry laying in front of me with a selfish smile on his face. I huffed and pounced on him causing him to huff but let me lie on him and nuzzle his neck.

     "I've missed this..."

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