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"Damn, you look so beautiful." Jaden said, a huge grin spreading across his face. Two dimples formed on the side of each cheek, one of my favorite features of his.

His smile was so engaging, and whenever he smiled - I couldn't help but smile back.

Jaden walked up the steps, took my hand; and led me down the steps.

My dress, was black and white - with a pearl studded sweetheart neckline, and a flowing black tulle bottom. For the first time (in almost ever) I was wearing heels, black ones, with gemstones along the straps.

Jaden had on a suit, black and white - which perfectly matched my dress. He looked so good, there was something about guys dressing up that was so attractive.

"You don't look too bad yourself babe." I said, grinning as he put an arm around my shoulder.

My mom was following RIGHT behind us, eager for some pictures. We went outside, to be greeted by an eager Cole and his date to homecoming - Sarah.

"AW Sarah you look so gorgeous!" I said, absolutely in love with the color of her dress.

"Thanks Chloe, you look absolutely stunning." She said with a smile, as we hugged.

"Nice to see you Cole," Jaden said, giving him some sort of bro hug.

"Oh my god! Jaden, you look absolutely amazing." Cole squealed, mimicking Sarah and I.

We both made eye contact, and exchanged a playful eye roll.

"Alright everyone! I want a group picture of all of you, and then some of Chloe and Jaden, and Cole and Sarah."

We finally pulled up at our school, and Jaden opened my door for me; taking my hand and helping me out.

Walking in the school was so weird - usually everyone was dressed casually and yet today they all had formal dresses and suits on. Talk about weird.

As Jaden and I walked in, several people were waving; and saying stuff like "AW! You guys look great."

We finally walked into the gym, where the dance was held; and the first person I saw was Braden. He noticed Jaden and I also, and started walking over.

Jaden waved to Braden, then whispered in my ear, "hey I'm going to go say hey to some guys from my basketball team, I'll be right back."

I nodded, and grinned as Braden approached me.

"Chlo! You look so pretty," Braden said, giving me a hug.

I hugged back, overwhelmed by the smell of his cologne. Hugging him brought back so many memories, some of this summer when - I kinda had feelings for him. And we kissed, and almost dated. Part of me wondered what would have happened if we actually ... dated.

We pulled apart, me a little resentfully, and then I blushed. "AW, thank you!! You look good too,"

Braden grinned, running a hand through his hair. "So, uh - where's Jaden?"

I gestured behind me to the small crowd of guys. "Talking to some people on his basketball team"

"Would you want to dance? I mean, until he's done talking." Braden said, extending a hand to me.

I froze. Did I want too? Yeah, it was one harmless dance while Jaden was busy. Should I? That I didn't know.

"Uhh, yeah," I said, taking his hand; while glancing back at a currently preoccupied Jaden, "just one song, that'll be okay."

We walked out to the dance floor, and Braden and I danced to a few songs, before Jaden came out. They were all harmless songs, none of them slow songs, thankfully, and once Jaden came out I gestured to Jaden.

"I'm going to go meet Jaden, you want to come?" i asked.

"Nah; I'm actually going to meet Claire now. But thanks Chloe," Braden said, giving me a hug before we walked separate ways.

"Hey babe," Jaden said, just as the dj started to play a slow song.

"Hey," I said, taking Jaden's hand and starting to slowdance.

It was such a perfect moment, his arms around my waist; and my head resting on his shoulder. He was so perfect, and I was still so incredibly thankful for this summer. The best summer ever.

After a few more songs, I decided to go to the bathroom; and was received by a pouty Jaden.

"Babe I'll be right back, promise."

He grinned, and then started talking to Cole.

I started to walk to the bathroom with a huge smile painted on my face. I loved my life. My boyfriend was incredible. He made me feel so insanely amazing and incredibly confident; it was crazy.

There was nothing more that I wanted in life than to end up with him. It was so insane to be planning that far ahead now; but I could almost just see it.

I started to grin even wider; just thinking about the thought of him when I heard a voice slyly call my name and slide a hand around my hip.

"Hey Wags,"


*{A/N} thought I'd end with an epilogue for you guys :) hope you've enjoyed this story every step of the way, as I'm proud to say it's finally completed! Took me over a year; but I'm very very proud of it! Thanks for all your support & luvvv

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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