Flicker of Hope

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Flesh tried her hardest to hold a conversation, "so...why does this Elizabeth person follow you?"

I shake my head, "she...she's rich compared to me. Always mean to me. She always had to rub in my face that she's better than me. Everyone but me and a select few others liked her."

"Why?" 'Gretto asked. He stroked my still half-wet hair back.

I look into the flames of the small fire we started, "because of her brother. She always made it look like that I was a horrible choice to be his 'wife'. That's true. I'd be a horrible wife to him. We don't belong together. I knew that since the STF formed. I used it as an excuse to leave my life behind, only to find it caught up with me..."

'Gretto held me tight, "it's okay, we all don't wanna go back home. We may have thought only about going home first, but I can tell you, nobody here now wants to go home. We're already a family. We love each other and can't let you go. Even if he tried to force you to marry-"

"I can't marry anyone. Not even you." I say.

Flesh looks at me, "why? You seemed to mary Dimitri just fine."

"That's exactly the point. We kinda techniqually haven't got a divorse yet. It's my last defense if they attempt to get us married. Although Dimitri and I want a divorse...it's better if we keep it this way. I need a reason to stay away from Elizabeth's brother..."

"Riza..." 'Gretto smiled and rubs my shoulders. I hold back tears.

Flesh and Zion froze in their places. They didn't move.

'Gretto and I stood up and were trying to make the move. Suddenly they did, and they said, "Master Nada requires our presence." And they disappeared. The force of them opening a portal through hell caused another to open behind us and throw us somewhere. We land on solid ground, and our wet clothes was next to us, but it was raining here.

We stand up and look around. We were at the front gate of my house. Right where we needed to be.

"Thanks Flesh..." I look up at the sky. I throw on my wet jacket and I buzz in at the front gate. Someone had to be home.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Mom...it's me, Riza. I'm here at the front gate. I'm kinda wet, too. Could you let me in?"

I look directly at the camera. I knew where it was concidering I advoided it the first time.

"Theresa! Oh my gosh you're okay, come on inside my dear. We're waiting for you inside."

"Thanks, thank you so much." I say as the gate opens. I shiver. The rain was cold. 'Gretto wraps his arm around my shoulder as we run up the long driveway to my house. One we get inside, I see 'Gretto eyeing the grand entrance way. He's been here before, but this time he finally got to see the whole thing lit up.

"Riza!" My mother comes with a stack of towels. They make me take my jacket off and throw towels on where my wet clothes were. They help 'Gretto too.

"Hi mom, so glad you're okay." I smile.

My fathes comes down, "Riza, who is this man?"

"Me?" 'Gretto asked.

"A friend of mine. He protects me. Kept me safe. You supposed I'm traveling the world alone and vulnerable? I can't be alone."

"So you're the one who's protecting over and watching over my little girl?"

'Gretto gulps and nods. Why was my father being so scary?

The S.T.F. Files, Book 4: DIATONWhere stories live. Discover now