Rochelle clutched the bedsheets and tried to gulp down the hysteria as her heart raced and roared. It was a dream. Just a dream.

But she knew it wasn't. As her breathing became normal she pulled her knees up and rested her head atop them. Two assassination attempts in a matter of days had her nerves on edge and she needed time to make sense of everything.

Rochelle pushed herself off the bed, loosely tying a dressing gown over herself and headed for the balcony. Maybe the fresh air would do her good.

She doubted it though. Things were getting worse and nothing made sense anymore. How and when had everything become so complicated?

The cold late night air ruffled her open hair and frosted the tip of her nose. It made her feel alive, and she took a moment to just breath it all in.

Sadly that moment was soon shattered.


She shrieked and jumped back as she faced the intruder on her third floor balcony.

"What do you think you are doing?" Rochelle hissed as she clutched her heart and held onto the railing for support.

How in the world had he gotten up there?

Her question was answered with a small smirk and Graham heaving himself over the iron railing to easily land a few feet from her. Suddenly Rochelle was aware of the small size of the balcony and without thinking she rushed back into her room.

She slammed the doors and pushed the latch into place, drawing the curtains for good measure.

Maybe if she would ignore him, he would go away.

She closed her eyes and counted to ten, but luck wasn't on her side as usual and she heard a loud knock from the other side of the glass doors.

"Open the door."

"No!" She hissed and as a second thought added, "keep it down will you? People are asleep around here."

"Rochelle open this door. I need to talk to you."

After a pause she heard a loud sigh and almost pumped her fist in the air at her victory. He was going to leave her alone. After all it was nearing dawn and what if someone saw Graham on her balcony?

Somehow she didn't think she'd mind all the rumours that much. Maybe Graham would do the honourable thing and ask for her hand in marriage.

She shook her head at the silly thought and turned to go back to bed but was interrupted by the creak of a door opening.

Rochelle quickly reached for the ornamental sword on the walls and pushed it out of its sheath. She thankfully always had spare weapons hidden around her room and they were certainly coming in handy.

"I can't believe you just did that." She levelled the sword on his broad chest as he stood outlined against the two moons in the doorway.

" She levelled the sword on his broad chest as he stood outlined against the two moons in the doorway

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