Chapter 8: Phew, I almost screwed up!

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"Welcome, sixth years. I'm Professor Galatea Merrythought and I will be teaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts. The lesson that we will tackle is all about a very advance charm that you will be needing a partner, so they can help you for your progression on casting it. Well, first of all, I'll assign partners first. Let's start, shall we?" Professor said. She get a parchment from his desk which I presumed where the list of partners wrote in. She cleared his throat first and spoke.

"Monroe, Black" a brunette boy from Ravenclaw stood up and went beside Black who slightly nod and ignored her, Black only rolled her eyes on the boy's snobby attitude. Well at least she's kind of decent.

"Avery, Schorge" A red head Gryffindor girl shyly went beside Avery who's I saw sometimes with Riddle. He only ignored her.

"Mulciber, Smith" a blonde Hufflepuff girl sat beside Mulciber who's smirking at her. Looks like he's planning something...

And the list goes on,until...

"Howell, Delora" I laughed on Alexandria's pissed off face. She glared at me and stomped on my foot which made me kicked her butt as she walked away, she almost tripped but immediately regained her balance. She looked back and stucked her tongue out leaving me rolling my eyes. As she sat, she moved her chair away from Howell's , far as possible.

"Vogue, Braxton" I looked at Elena and saw her red face looking at the ground. Oooooohhhhhh, someone has a crush. I looked to my grandfather and my jaw slightly dropped. My grandfather in teens was smokin'! Elena and him would looked like a great couple! I looked back on this girl who still didn't move even though, she's like five feet away from him. I mentally smirked and pushed her to him. She's kinda clumsy that's why she almost fell flat on her face BUT Vogue catched her! They looked on each others eyes, I hold someone's arm to prevent myself from squealing but of course, a squeal comes out which made the two snapped out of their trance and looked around, red in face and sat on their seats, Professor Merrythought looked annoyed while the class uproared on their little romantic scene.

"Can you now remove your hands off my arm, Howell?" A voice snapped. I looked up and saw Riddle glaring his cold dark eyes at me. I sheepishly smiled at him and awkwardly removed my hands. I heard someone snickered and saw Malfoy, I glared at him. I looked around and saw we're the ones left, so it means.

"Obviously, you three left. You may now take a seat." Professor announced. Wait, I thought it was by pair? Whatever, I'll just go with the flow. I groaned in response while I sat beside the wall, Malfoy's beside me and beside him was Riddle.

"Is there any problem, Ms.Howell?" Professor Merrythought asked me, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, Howell, is there any problem?" Malfoy taunted, looking at me smugly. I only rolled my eyes on him or else, I'm going to Avada Kedavra his arse but of course it's prohibited so nah.

"Nothing, Professor." I answered, balling my fist ready to punched Malfoy's arrogant face. Professor Merrythought nodded and began talking.

" And now you have your partner, or should I say, partners. You will cast this advance charm by thinking your greatest and happiest memories that happened to your life. Yes, this charm is what we called the Patronus Charm. The Patronus Charm or the incantation Expecto Patronum is the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. It is an immensely complicated and extremely difficult spell that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian. It is the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there are no other defences.

 The Patronus represents that which is hidden, unknown but necessary within the personality.Patronuses take forms that their casters might not expect, for which they have never felt a particular affinity, or (in rare cases) even recognise. Every Patronus is as unique as its creator and even identical twins have been known to produce very different Patronuses. The unusual witches and wizards who produce a Patronus that takes the form of their favorite animal is an indicator of obsession or eccentricity." He explained while the class listened intently, this lesson was very interesting. Hmm, I wonder what my patronus looks like. Few seconds after absorbing this interesting lesson, the bell rang.

"So that's for today, next meeting will be casting a patronus charm with your partner. Goodbye, class dismissed."


I leave Elena and Alexandria with their partners because I'm a matchmaker. Anyway, I walked alone through the deserted second floor corridors, it's my free time and someone like me needs some time alone too, ya know?

I suddenly stopped when I heard someone talking inside an abandoned classroom. Me, being a curious person I am, decided to eavesdropped—I mean, gained some informations. I placed my ear on the door and silently listened.

"What are the next plans, my lord?" Asked a rather familiar deep but annoying voice, Malfoy.

" Leave it to me and I'll take the action very carefully. I feel like I'm being watched." He said slowly and darkly. My body froze, was he referring to me? well duh, I'm not watching him. I'm listening, so that's not me.

"By who?" someone asked.

"That old hag Dumbledore." He said darkly, his voice gave me shivers and I can sense an evil smirk formed on his pretty face.

" lord..." A voice stuttered. I can't blame him though, Riddle's pretty dangerous. Pretty but dangerous, get it?

"Don't make me impatient Rosier! What is it?!" He bellowed, making me slightly jumped. This guy was unbelievable *rolls eyes*. Rosier was about to speak, I think, when the school bell rang. My eyes widened and ran like a bat out of hell and mentally sighed in relief when I found a bathroom. I entered on the girls lavatory and stayed there until I no longer hear the footstep. I crept outside and mentally giving myself a pat on my back until...

"What are you doing here, Howell?" a voice sneered. My body froze still processing, I forced my myself to snapped back in reality. I turned around and saw Howell glaring daggers at me. This guy often asked me that question for real.

"Honestly, Howell, what the hell is your problem? Of course, I used the girls lavatory because I'm a girl and this girl have this girl business to do." I scoffed. I looked at Riddle and saw him looking utterly bored and doesn't give a shit on anything.

"Riddle, I know you're the most decent here.So please, can you tell this guy to ask different questions as we bumped our paths. I'm begging you." I said sarcastically pleading at him while looking at his eyes. I felt someone was pushing some force on my head like...LEGILIMENCY, damn this boy. I performed occlumency and immediately blocked him and pushed it away. His eyes slightly widened but immediately covered it by narrowing it, I narrowed my eyes back and then ran away from them.

Phew, I almost screwed up!


A/N: what a long ass chapter yay! this is what I've promised to you guys :)

How's this chapter? yay or nae? 

OH, and I'd like to give credits on Harry Potter Wiki for informations like in Patronus charm. so yeah.

Thank you so much guys for reading this book, I really really appreciate it :))))

see ya later fam!


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