Chapter 24: Not Again

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"Who does he thinks he is?" Alexandria bursted out as she slammed the door opened in different girls lavatory. I walked to the first cubicle to change my pad while listening to her outburst.

" Just because he's the prefect doesn't mean he can boss us around like a damn Head Boy –" she continued. I only snickered at her. Besides, Professor Dumbledore told me that Tom became a Head Boy when he's on his seventh year, I can't wait to see her reaction.

" .. and I don't understand why you fancied him, I mean, he is smart, charming and absolutely good looking but he's horrible!" She turned to me as I finished doing my thing. I rose my eyebrows at her, what the hell was she talking about?

" I don't fancy him Alexandria, what are you talking about?" I scoffed while washing my hands. I can practically see her rolled her eyes even though my back faced hers.

" I'm not born yesterday, Alicia. Besides, I think he got a thing for you, well... maybe. " she's nuts I swear.

" Look, I know I am making you confuse but I got this feeling that there's some thing's going on and I think he's behind in all of these. Its just you know, a bit suspicious..." Alexandria said seriously. I looked at her and saw her thinking deeply.


"WAKE THE HELL UP!" someone yelled and next thing I knew I'm on the cold hard ground, groaning in pain from my arse.

" What in the name of Merlin's knickers is wrong with you?" I groaned again and rubbed my arse. She snickered and threw something at me, it hit my nose. I groaned again and glared at her, she just smirked at me, obviously amused. I ignored that thing and pounce on her, if she wants pain I'll give her pain.

So we kind of having a wrestling match.


" What happened to both of you? " the question we received as we sat down on our seats in the Slytherin table.

" None of your business, Howell." Alexandria snapped to my grandfather and began eating as if she hadn't eaten anything for a week. He looked at me and I just shrugged in response. You might be wondering, after having a wrestling match with this crazy girl, bruises were formed. And besides, we three often do this when we're having fun, kinda painful and totally barbaric but yeah, we're not normal.

" Hello Alicia—what happened to your face?" Malfoy's annoying voice disrupted my peaceful eating, he's with Riddle that looked like a model on his black turtleneck, with his Slytherin scarf around his neck, black coat and black slacks, all I can say is, damn. I shook my head and looked away before he saw me check—I mean looking at him. I diverted my head around the Great Hall and saw quite few students who were staying here over the break, some are eating or playing some boardgames or just talking. My eyes landed on the blonde one who was seated in the Gryffindor table, he was facing my direction but laughing with his friend. He maybe felt someone was staring at him so he stopped and looked at my direction... on me. We stared for a moment when someone seated in front of me blocking my view from the blonde guy. I heard someone snickered but I ignored and looked to the one who blocked my view.

" Err... You're blocking the view." I awkwardly said not meeting his eyes, I just stared to his uhm... chest because he's so damn tall. Alexandria laughed out loud earning some attention from the other students and of course, to the staffs. I kicked her feet from underneath and she returned the gesture, I rolled my eyes on her and looked to him.

" Well, in case you didn't know Ms. Howell, I can sit wherever I want if there are spaces left. Thank you very much." Riddle said sarcastically. He's annoying sometimes—all the times!

" Yeah, you're welcome, Riddle." I retorted sarcastically and rolled my eyes. His face turned blank and glared at me,

What's his problem now?

Oh wait, I talked back, right? My bad.

" Come on, Alicia maybe Elena's gift had arrived." Alexandria told me and dragged me away from the table, I only snickered and let her be, but before we completely leave the Great Hall, I took a glimpse to a certain blonde Gryffindor boy and catched him looking at our direction. I felt something strange and oh my Salazar, not again.

***********************************************************************************************A/N: Two chapters aye! how's it guys? yah or nah?

Please don't forget to give me feedbacks, suggestions and things that can help me make this book better. Your opinion can make me slap the realization lol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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