Chapter 4: Meeting Alexandria Delora

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"Welcome, to the new school year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now, before the feast start, I may now call on the transferee student from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to come over here so she can be sorted." Headmaster Dippet announced. Murmurs and whispers erupted as he finished it. Standing here behind the closed double oak doors of The Great Hall, I observed the surroundings. Still the same like on present or future.

"I'm sure you'll placed in Slytherin, and that's the advantage."Dumbledore's voice rang into my head.

"Be sure you'll put a wall in your mind or use occlumency, so that he can't read you. He's clever and good at legillimency and I know that you know these spells and practiced it very well" how did he know that?

"Please Welcome, Alicia Howell!" Headmaster Dippet's booming voice interrupted me. I took a deep breath and opened the double oak doors revealing a great mass of students from different houses.


"She's smokin' mate!"

Bla bla bla! Got no time for their crap. I'm here for my mission, a cool but risky mission.

I sat on a four legged stool and then Professor Dumbledore placed the old ragged witch hat on my head and he was silent for a few seconds.

"Ah, an ambitious mind and a brave heart. A mission eh? Good luck with that young lady-" Was he taunting me?

"Of course not, hmm...let see, Loyalty? also intelligent...hmm, I know where to put you." He paused dramatically and yelled.


The Slytherin table cheered loudly, I smirked at them and went there as the hat removed from me.

I sat beside this girl who looked liked my mum?

"I'm Alexandria Delora and you're Alicia Howell? Funny, you've got the same last name as that git eh?" She greeted as I sat beside her. Wait, Alexandria Delora? that's the name of my mum's mother! And oh, she got a funny way of greeting me *rolls eyes*

"Uh, yeah. Funny..." I awkwardly said trailing off. I finally met my grandmother in teens, whoop de doo! Not. I wonder who's she's talking about...wait...My grandfather?

"You came from Ilvermorny right?" She intrigued. I only nodded while eating a steak. Now, I feel what my mum feels about her.

"Then why come you don't have this American accent they have?" What the? Think Elizabeth think!

"Oh that?uhhh... my aunt lived there and I went there for new experiences and then my parents decided to moved me here because I told them some of my personal problems on my previous school which made their minds fixated on moving me here. And I guess, I immediately adapted the surroundings here which made me have this English accent. And besides, my parents are both English and also my ancestors...and yeah." I explained like I've just said my whole bio. She looked into my eyes which was awfully similar to her and smiled warmly, and I think its very rare for her since a boy in front of her widened his eyes.


"So, who's that young lad across from that blonde boy?" I asked her. Her eyebrows raised as she placed down her goblet of now half empty pumpkin juice.

"That's Tom Riddle, quite a charmer he is. And the blonde one is Abraxas Malfoy, a total git." She scoffed. I looked at her confused why she's acting like this, but of course its for the act.

"A rumor said, those who's around him are his followers and he's building an army, but of course its a rumor, sometimes, true and sometimes, false." She whispered. I looked at the dark brown haired boy who seated far from us; he's eating quietly and casually nodding and answering to whoever talked to him.

I think, this will going to be hard for me.

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