Chapter 17: Stay

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"One two three and one two three and-- ow blood hell!" I stopped and rubbed my foot.

Damn, teaching Riddle how to dance was so hard than I thought. We're here on the assigned room where the Slytherin were practicing the dance steps.

"What the hell are you doing?" I grumbled as I finished rubbing my foot.

"What?! I'm just looking on my feet to see if I'm doing better but I don't know what did I do to step on your foot!" He exclaimed in frustration. I sighed exasperatedly.

"Okay. I don't know if this would work but let's give it a try. Just look in to my eyes and I'll guide you, alright, let's start." I explained,he nodded as a response then we start.

"Face each other, bow and-- one two three and a one two three..." We looked on each others eyes as we swayed, his face was so flawless and that made me jealous though. His eyes traveled down to my lips and back to my eyes and I just notice he began to guide me.

"One two three and lift and spin and put down. One two three..." I chanted. He's a great dancer and a fast learner, impressive. Says the one who thought he's hard to teach.

"Stop. Put your hands down and bow." I finished bowing my head while I hold my skirt and crossed my legs at the back. We heard clapping and we saw the whole class were looking at us even Proffesor Slughorn, my face flushed in embarrasment and bowed down, hiding myself on my hair.

"Impressive show, Ms. Howell and Mr. Riddle." Professor Slughorn complimented. I lifted my head to looked at him and gave him a shy smile, still red in face, I walked out because I'm so embarrased to my self, bloody hell. But someone hold my arm, forcefully making me stopped. The room errupted with howls but soon it became quiet.

"Stay." Riddle firmly said, gripping my arm. I stopped on my tracks and looked at him.

He's really odd these past days...what the hell happened?

"Woman, he seriously fancied you!" Alexandria exclaimed and Elena beside her was nodding her head furiously. I groaned slamming my book shut and looked at them with my left eyebrow raised.

"Seriously guys, how many times do I have to tell you its nothing?" I said looking at them. They looked on each other and shrugged their shoulders then looked back to me. I groaned in frustration, after that little moment with Riddle, they bugged me about it and of course, the other nosey students too. Its getting annoying that I decided to shunned them off pretending they didn't said anything. A bit rude actually, but its for the sake of my peaceful leaving. And well, what can you say? Riddle's popular here.

"Well Alicia, its obvious." Elena commented and Alexandria nod, agreeing on her. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to Great Hall for lunch." I firmly stated walking out first.

"Well...obviously she wants to see Riddle." Alexandria 'whispered' to Elena then they giggled. I inwardly sighed, they will be the death of me because of the falseness.


Okay, another short chapter! Yay! Not.

I'm sorry guys, I'm having a writers block while writing this chapter, I stressed myself because of school, oh well. I'm very sorry because I'm very busy this past days and I don't update regularly 


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