Chapter 14: Potions and Periods?

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I woke up in pain that came from my lower abdomen. Damn, I have my period.

I rummaged through my trunk and found my stacks of napkins, I get one and went to the loo to take a bath.

I finished doing my business and went out from the loo and saw Alexandria was fixing her bed, who does that? She turned to looked me...shocked.

"Well, you woke up early eh? That's new." She taunted. I only rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. She scoffed and went to the loo.

I faced the vanity table and do my natural make up. As I finished doing my make-up, I unwrapped the towel on my head and brushed my hair at the same time Elena woke up. The same reaction as Alexandria.

I plopped down on my seat in the Slytherin table, and ate silently. I feel someone was looking at me, I looked up and saw Alexandria,Elena, Malfoy, Howell, Vogue, Mulciber, Rosier, Riddle, and etc. were looking at me.

"What?" I asked curiously annoyed, they just kept staring at me.

"What?!" I exclaimed annoyed and irritated,I'm just eating peacefully and they suddenly stared at me like I did something horrible.

"You're quiet..." Malfoy trailed off while the others just nodded.

"Yeah? Thank you for stating, I don't honestly notice it." I scoffed and go back eating my breakfast. I heard Alexandria snorted.

"She's on her period, don't bother her. She can slice your throat open if you did that." Elena explained laughing her arse off. I'm honestly embarrased because first,we're infront of the foods and second, there are boys infront of us. If looks could kill, she'll be a dropped dead troll because gorgeous entitled to me.

"You're supposed to crushed it, not sliced it!" I belowed. Me, being a good friend I am, decided to helped Malfoy here in Potion's class, but this git wouldn't listen to me and kept slicing the sopophorus beans.

We're supposed to make a Draught of Living Dead, this was so easy for me since mum's a Potion Proffesor in Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic and yes, I went there last summer because the staffs were preparing for the next school year. Its beautiful and your jaws probably dropped on its gorgeous sight.
Anyways, back to the Potion class.

"It already said to the book that you'll sliced it. Don't be a smart-arse." This boy's testing me really bad. I huffed in annoyance and decided to ignored him, I smirked which made him rose his eyebrows in confusion.

This smart-arse was about to show-off.

"Brilliant! another student had done it! I awarded both Ms. Howell and Mr.Riddle, 20 points for making Draught of Living Dead succesfully!" Professor Slughorn praised as I looked at the arrogant blonde boy beside me, smugly. He looked shocked for a moment and then recovered immediately.

"No way!" He exclaimed, not believing it.

"Yes way!" I chuckled on him.


I know, I know a short chapter but! next chapter would probably long because of some twists.

Anyway, how's it? Yah or Nah?

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