Chapter 13: Tom

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"What?!" He roared causing heads of studying students turned to us...why do they study in weekends? Its our vacation from a stressful week and they used it just to study? Wow, Einstein must be proud. Riddle was still rambling about how books are important in gaining information bla bla bla.

"I said, you looked dashing." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. He suddenly stopped on rambling. I looked at him and mentally laughed. His face turned pink and he's in daze like, he's thinking deeply.

"Riddle? Tom?" I called snapping my fingers infront of him. He suddenly hold my hand that I used on snapping. He looked at my eyes with so much emotion and whispered softly, which made my whole body in shocked. 

"You said my name..."

"Yeah...?" I asked curiously. What's on him?

"No one ever called me by my name...except--except you...why?" He muttered. Yeah, why do I called him by his first name? Think think think!!!

"Uh, I want to be...I want to be your friend!" smooth Elizabeth smooth. But hey! If I become his friend, I can now check my number 3 list! And--

"I don't need any friends." He chuckled darkly. I looked at him exasperatedly.

"C'mon man, we need friends on our life! How about Howell? Malfoy? Rosier? Mulciber? I feel like you're just using them! What kind of person are you? You're unbelievable." I said shaking my head dissaprovingly. Way to go your acting Elizabeth!

"We need to go, its getting dark." He just said. Ugh. I think we need a long arse time on this thing.

Well, that failed.

"What the bloody hell just happened?!" I thought as Tom and I walked back to Slytherin common room, he's silent at the whole trip even me, its just so odd... you know? the Tom thingy.

I looked at Riddle and saw him focused on the hallway where we walked,I wanted to know what he's thinking, but I decided to against it, because I guess he needs privacy. I noticed we're on the wrong way, instead downstairs, we turned into wrong direction.

"Er-- we're supposed to went to common room, right?" I awkwardly asked. He looked at me which made me avoid my eye contact. Awkward.

"Its dinner time, incase you didn't notice. Therefore, we must go to the Great Hall." He said. I just nod as a response and followed him to the Great Hall.

We entered and the eyes were all on us. Honestly, these people need to know how to mind their own business. I ignored them and went beside to my friends who were seated across from Riddle's followers. Great.

"Ohhhh... You're with Riddle huh?" Alexandria teased me. I pilled my plate with buttered veggies, chicken leg, and pork ribs.

"Uh yeah? So?" I asked her. Her and Elena giggled furiously and pinched my sides.

"Ow! you two really are sadistics." I said as elbowed them both on their guts. They grunted and we began eating.

The awkward tension between Riddle and I were so thick, it can made someone sore for a week, Oh my Merlin, my mind's needed to cleansed up.Dammit.

"Attention students." Headmaster Dippet called. We all looked up to him curiously, still eating.

"As you can see, December is about to begin. It means, we're having a ball before some of you leave for Christmas break to celebrate with your families. Starting on December 10th, every houses will be practicing for the dance that will teach by their Head of House-" I mentally laughed at this. I remembered Professor Snape called Draco and Pansy at the front, demonstrating the dance. Draco was so embarrased that he hid to me whenever he saw Pansy, of course it isn't effective since he's taller than me. I missed that blonde boy ferret.

"-And also, keep in mind that you all need to focus on your studies if you want to pass your O.W.L's, N.E.W.T's and your exams.
You may go back to your common rooms and rest because you have a big day tomorrow." The students get up and walk to the door, while I chose to stayed for a bit to eat. As I finished eating, I walked out to Great Hall and jumped in surprise on whoever standing there.

"What the hell Riddle?!" I exclaimed in shocked. He chuckled at me which made me rolled my eyes irritated.

"Honestly, what are you doing?" I asked as we walked back to our common room.

"Waiting for you." He simply said without glancing.

"And why is that?" I asked and arched my left eyebrow on him.

"I'm a prefect,its my job to assist students, remember?" He said like I didn't know what that is which made me annoyed. I'm just asking decently and this guy. Ugh! Sometimes, I hate him for being right. And yeah, I totally forgot he's a prefect, silly me.

We reached our destination, then he whispered the password to Salazar Slytherin portrait and then he let us in.

Surprisingly, the common room was deserted. I'm about to climbed up through the girls staircase when Riddle grabbed my arm that forced me to stop.

"Uh, yes?" I asked curiously. He's hesitant for a moment then he took a deep breath and looked at my eyes.

"T-thank you and-- and y-yes and goodnight, Alicia." He finally said. Wait...what? Did I just heard right? I secretly pinched myself and when I felt pain, I'm convinced its true.

"G-good night and problem Rid-" I stammered but he cutted me off.

"Its Tom, call me Tom." He stated softly, I wonder why he spoke softly whenever he stated his name. Hmmmm.

"Goodnight, Tom." I smiled at him. I climbed upstairs leaving him in daze.

Why is that he became weird all of the sudden? And what yes? Does it mean he approved on becoming my friend? Unbelievable.

Shaking my head, I pulled out my journal and checked the number 3


A/N: Hallo Guys! its been so long huh? I apologize for not updating, I'm sorry.

Anyway, the last chapter's dedicated to @MrsRebekahRiddle for adding my story in her reading list. Thank you so much love, I really appreciated that you appreciated my book. You too guys, whoever reading this book. Thanks and I love y'all ♥♥♥

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