Chapter 2: "467,767"

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I knocked the door using the brass knocker that built outside Prof.Dumbledore's office; I hold the knob and turned it revealing a circular constructed office, Professor Dumbledore himself, and Granger? What in the name of Merlin's pants she's doing here?

I entered the room cautiously looking at them, who knows? maybe they will tell me something unexpectable like, the whole back in the past thingy was a big joke even though it seemed so serious, or my grades are higher than Granger's because its funny seeing her bushy wild hair wildly bouncing while trying not explode, or-

"You're maybe curious why Ms. Granger is here with us."Prof. Dumbledore said interrupting my thoughts.

'Well no shit, I was just happy because she's here joining the fun' my mind said sarcastically. I only nod as a response, Granger looked slightly shocked because she expected me to said something rude or a smart arse comment or such. Doesn't she knew I've already done that? yeah, on my mind. I shrugged and rolled my eyes on her. Attitude I know.

"Ms. Granger here has an instrument that can turn back time by using it, this is what we called, Time Turner. There are different types of Time Turner; the Typical and True Time Turners. Ms. Granger has the Typical Time Turner, Ministry of Magic have an Hour-Reversal Charm placed onto them. These have a limit of travelling back to a maximum of five hours, which is the determined safety limit to the person or the fabrics of time.-" I suddenly spaced out. I'm getting hungry again,hmm... what should I eat later? Damn, I'm craving for something spicy yet saucy, wh-

"Ms. Vogue, will you please listen? Thank you." Prof. Dumbledore's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Professor. You can go on, I'll listen." I let out an awkward laugh, waving my hand. Granger glared at me behind because I interrupted the Albus Dumbledore, such an arse kisser. I only rolled my eyes on her, she huffed and crossed her arms dissapointedly shaking her head. Whatever.

"The other type is the Real Time Turner, the difference of it to the other type that is not simply an hourglass with an Hour-Reversal Charm placed onto it, but rather a "true" Time-Turner. It allows the user to go back to whatever time in the past they desire, far beyond the five-hours boundary. This kind is suitable for you Ms. Vogue because you'll be in different era and that's 55 and half from now which the start of the another school year in Hogwarts. Ms. Granger, can you please show to Ms. Vogue your Time Turner?" Prof. Dumbledore asked her kindly. She nodded and pulled something under her loser Gryffindor sweater, (ours way more cooler than them.) She removed it from her head and gave it to the Headmaster. The necklace was beautiful huh.

"Oh, that's why your schedule was bloody-on-bonkers and having yourself two places at once on third year eh?" I suddenly blurted out. They both looked at me, Dumbledore looked amused? uhuh. And Granger looked at me disapprovingly. Is her role here was to gave me disapproving looks?

"Ms. Vogue, this what Typical Time Travel looks like and this is a True Time Turner" He held up the 'True Time Tuner' on the other hand. Its an hourglass bigger that the Typical Time Turner's pendant that looked so delicate and can break if you touched it, thankfully a gold metal caged it so that its guarded. The small cage has words engraved that I don't understand so why bother, right? It also has a gold chains that fitted on my head down to my neck. And its so absolutely gorgeous and really damn expensive, how did he get this? I mean he's Professor Dumbledore and he can get whatever he wants, but how? isn't this kind of thing that was under high security?

"You may be wondering where I get this? This is from the Ministry of Magic. I borrowed this from them for some important business matters and its for your mission. And thankfully, they allowed me."

"I have a question, how many times should I turn this Professor?" I asked curiously. Granger looked interested and nod her head. I saw something twinkled on his eyes and smiled.

"One turn is equivalent to one hour Ms. Vogue." He said calmly. Oh, one turn an hour? its ea- WAIT, WHAT???

"Are you freaking serious Professor?! like blo-mhhshahskaak" Hermione freakin' Granger covered my bloody mouth! OH SO I'M GONNA TURN THIS THING UNTIL MY FINGERS FELL OFF HUH?! AND WHY THE HECK THIS GRYFFINDOR HOLDING MY MOUTH?! I pulled her hands away my mouth, wiping it as if there's something filth applied on my precious mouth. Granger and I were glaring to each other while I'm trying calm myself up.

"How many hours Professor?" Granger asked since she felt my tension. Good for her I guess.

"467,767" Great, just great.



What's up guys?! How's Chapter 2? I know, I know its boring. Oh well. But hey, I really compute the days hours to January 10 1997 ( Example of the date where Elizabeth leave) to September 1, 1943 (Tom's sixth year in Hogwarts)and it even requires to give a time. I do a lot of research than reviewing my notes for this story. lmao. I'm so proud of my self *gives pat on the back* 

What do you think? yah or nah?

Don't forget to give me feedback, its really important to me and uhhh... votes? LOL


E ♥

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