Chapter 22: Crush?

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"I told you woman." Alexandria started as we sat on our table waiting for the guys to arrived with our food, 'cause you know, we're too lazy. And who ever thought those guys have this hidden gentleman underneath their skins? Me neither.

"I though you're dateless but when I saw you with Riddle, Merlin, I swear that boy fancies you!" Elena exclaimed. Alexandria nod her head furiously while I just looked at them with raised eyebrows.

"Who fancies who?" Someone suddenly asked. We turned around and saw Riddle holding our plate with eyes full of curiousity.

"Nothing" Elena sang and get the plate from Vogue's hand and dugged in. Alexandria snorted and eat the food Howell gave to her. As the boys sat beside their dates, Riddle placed the plate first infront of me and sat beside me, eating.

" Hey!" Someone greeted, we looked and saw Malfoy with Parkinson behind him.

" Hey mate! Come, sit with us!" Howell greeted while I smiled on them. They sat and we began talking. So here's the seating arrangement:

             Riddle        Alicia

Howell                         Malfoy

Alexandria               Parkinson

              Elena        Vogue

If you can picture it.

We talked a lot of stuff and realized Parkinson was not I seemed to judge about her, she's kinda nice but still a bitch.

Howell suddenly whispered something on Riddle and I pretended to eat but still listened to them. Its not called eavesdropping, its called gaining some information. I only catched few things but hey! that's clue...right?

" course we'll continue...tomorrow...Slughorn..."

My eyes locked on Alexandria and she slightly nod. Damn, I felt like we're secret agents. Tom stood up with the other guys telling us they will be back right after they finished whatever that is. And of course, Parkinson joined them, I suspected her being part of Riddle's group.

"Don't you think its a bit sketchy? You know, Parkinson joining them?" Elena whispered leaning on our table. Alexandria and I nodded.

"Yeah, besides she's acting like a leech. Clinging on Malfoy like a bloody lost dog. Pathetic. " Alexandria scoffed. Ohhh, do I smell something?

"Do not look at me like that Alicia, I'm not jealous."

"What? I'm not doing anything!"

"Yeah, you do not do anything if you just- stop looking at me like that!- "

"Hey, stop it! Both of you are making a scene! Beside we're not yet done on our previous topic. I say, I'll look for Parkinson and then for you two- Alicia, you look for Riddle and Alexandria, you look for Howell and the others around Riddle's inner circle.-" She said but Alexandria cutted her off.

"Why in the name of Merlin's arse Ill look for that bloody scumbag?! Im not his sitter for goodness sake!" Alexandria exploded, this girl was really cranky, what's with her?

"Oh I don't know? Maybe because he fancies you!" I blurted out, err...oops? That information is supposed to be a secret and Howell didn't really realized that he have feelings for Alexandria, he's having a conflict between himself if hes attracted to her or he's just enjoying himself on annoying her. Oh, I love the power of Legilimens.

"Don't make me barf Alicia, besides I think its both dangerous for the three of us to stick our noses on their business. I mean, Riddle's have this silent but deadly aura thing and we don't really know what is running through his mind." Alexandria said in a hushed tone enough for me and Elena to hear. She got a point in there.

"And I think we need to know what they are planning, who knows? Maybe they planned something that's not good for all of us. Something like dark... Chocolate." Elena trailed off and sat up straight. Chocolate? What?

" Dark Chocolate?" Someone said that made me freeze for a moment.

" Yes? Is there something wrong about that?" Alexandria snapped. They sat on their previous seats and I sighed in relief, thankfully Elena saved us.

" Girls and their foolish things." Riddle murmured and continued to eat his food. I only rolled my eyes and looked around.

Someone catches my eyes, he's looking at our table..or on me? I've got to admit, he's really dashing. He got this dirty blonde hair, chiseled face, pointy nose and luscious lips- what the hell I'm talking about? He caught me checki-- looking at him and gave me a dazzling smile, his pearly white teeth were showing. Okay, I'm getting weird, why am I like this? Maybe the hormones? Ah, yes. I gave him a smile and looked away, scoffing my food down because of embarrasment.

"Oh, our little Alicia has a crush!" Abraxas suddenly ruined the peacefulness, damn that boy. Everyone on the table looked at me, Alexandria and Elena gave me knowing smirks, Howell and Vogue didn't care, Parkinson gave me a smug look, and Riddle looked at me with stoic expression. Uhuh, what's wrong with them? As if I care.

"Crush? That's childish, Malfoy. " I only said and continue eating. Crush? Pft, buzz off.

A/N: How's the story so far? Was it yah or nah?

Ok so, apparently I only update once in a blue moon and I need to apologize because of the cliffhangers that I've been unconsciously made like wth? Yeah, I know. It's just that, I began to lose my inspiration and ideas, you should talk to me if there's something wrong in the story, or if you have something in your mind just let me know, okay?

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