Chapter 23: Encounter

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"I see you've packed." I said as I saw Elena descended from the stairs. We're here in the Slytherin common room finishing up the assignments, so that we can have a stress-free Christmas break.

"Well, I see you two haven't​." She replied taking her gloves and wore it. Well, what can I say? My family's​ on the future, so I have no one to go home to.

" Mum made a last minute plan and decided to visit my sister in New York. And stuff like that." Alexandria muttered, still focused on her homework. Elena nodded and turned to me.

"How about you, Alicia?" She asked. Oh crap.

"Well, uh. Honestly, I had no plans on going home. You see, my parents are always busy. And besides-" I motioned her to get close.

"Alexandria and I will be observing Riddle, in case. And, I heard his followers and him will stay here for some matters." I whispered. Elena got my point so she stood up straight.

"Well, I got to go. My presents for you two will be delivered during Christmas Eve. Bye, ladies" we hugged her and bid her goodbye.


"Are you sure about this?" Alexandria asked as we walked quietly through the deserted hallway.

"Yes, I once went here and kind off heard them talking." I said in a hushed tone.

"I'm​ telling you Alicia, if we got caught and killed us, we will come back as a vengeful ghost and I'm going to kill you." I only snorted on her remark and told her to shut up.

"Hey, do you hear that?" She suddenly asked. I focused my hearing on whatever that is and what the heck is that? And I needed to change because I have a red friend today, in case you're wondering.

I followed the slither like sound that lead us to the girls lavatory. How in the world? I slowly walked towards it due to the fact I'm curious as hell.

Not making another sound, I gripped the door handle and turned it-

"What are you two doing here?" I froze in the spot when I realized who's the owner of the voice. That hot but cold voice.

I turned to looked at him only to find out he's glaring daggers at me. I can't speak, it's like I'm a deer that been caught under the bus.

"And why are you here, Riddle?" Alexandria bravely asked. I sighed in relief as he looked away from me.

"It's none of your business, Delora. " He sneered coldly. Alexandria only rolled her eyes and looked at me saying that I should talk.

"Well, Riddle. We actually strolling around and I happened to have this red friend and I needed to change, so we get here and I'm about to enter when you stopped me. Is that enough, Riddle? " I rambled out a bit irritated because it's really true.

His glare hardened and I don't know what will I do, well I might die, might as well die fighting...right? No, you're overreacting Alicia.

"This lavatory is out of order, I suggest you two use another one." He said with full of authority. Hmm, this guy was really hiding something.

"How do you know that? Did you enter the GIRLS lavatory, Riddle?" Alexandria teased him. I mentally face palmed, we're gonna be in trouble because of her.

"In case you didn't know, Delora. I am the prefect and one of my job is to know what's happening around and one of that is, this girl's lavatory is out of order, do you understand now?" He smirked. Alexandria only rolled her eyes.

"We got to go now, Riddle. Err.. thank you for the information I guess?" I said and dragged Alexandria with me. Before we're out of his reach he spoke with a cold but scary voice.

" Don't ever wander around here again, we might think you're up to something."


A/N: Short chapter I know, I'm sorry.

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