I had four pieces of pie!

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Dear Diary,

I just realized that I never wrote about Thanksgiving. Paige [Sister's wife. In case you forgot.]'s family came up from Texas for it, so we went to her Aunt Jamie's house.

Her mom was really nice and her grandma was super cool. I always loved her aunt as well and her dad is nice. He and Paige cooked the food because Paige is a chef. It was REALLY good! I had four pieces of pie!

They are all pretty great. And they're our family now. Our in-laws. We have three families now. Or if you count Paige's dad's side, four. But we don't know them.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm bi. I mean, I knew I wasn't straight. But I like boys too. I could also be pan. For now I'm saying bi. If that changes in the future that's okay. [It did not change.] I'm pretty happy for the time being.

Paisley Marin

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