A path paved for you.

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[Warning: Philosophical little shit Paisley coming up]


Dear Diary,

Life doesn't have an instruction manual. There's no explicit directions on how to act or build your life.

But you do get handed something. A tool box and a few pieces given to you by the most important people. Then you must build your own way. Attach the pieces. You will mess up many times. You'll put them together wrong, maybe break a few pieces. And you will get some new ones along the way as well.

But in the end, you will have your perfect sculpture. A path paved for you. And you'll be glad that you didn't get handed those instructions. Because if you had been, you wouldn't have all the love, memories and friendships. Those are the keys to your perfect life.

Paisley Marin

Paisley Marin's DiaryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя