Who does Aria think she is?!

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Dear Diary,

Finally! Spring break!!! And yet, it's still cold... I wish it would warm up.

Another thing about G. She likes to read over your shoulder. It's very awkward! You're just reading, then you look up and there she is, staring at your book.

I started reading this book about murder and mean girls and it's very good!

I was reading it when G asked about it. I explained the plot.

G's face got all weirded out. She looked like she thought the boom was so strange. It's not! She's getting more annoying by the minute.

Maybe she's not trying to act that way. I sure hope not. I just feel upset because I befriended her. [I was greatly exaggerating my annoyance. Guadeloupe was super nice!]

The other thing that happened today: I tried to sit with Alison in the commons. She was with Nikki.

We were, the three of us talking. It was nice.

Then Aria calls out. "Nikki! Alison!"

Nikki goes "Oh, Aria needs us!" And they just get up and walk away!

Who does Aria think she is?! They're not her slaves! I can't believe I used to be friends with her!

I'm so sick of this! I need Alison back! I miss her so much! I just wish "Queen Aria" would step down. Back off of Alison. Alison is mine.

I know I sound greedy, possessive. I'm truly, only kidding. It's just annoying.

Paisley Marin

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