Chapter Fifteen: Streets of Gold? I Think Not.

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(A/N: Hey guiiiis. Sorry it took me so long to finally update; I'm a lazy bastard as you could probably tell. Thanks for being so patient. ^-^ Hopefully my old, crappy, buggy computer'll let me upload at least another two chapters tonight! My treat for keeping you waiting for so long. I chose this tune by Fall Out Boy cause' it's just so happy and peppy, and I find myself dancing like an idiot to it in the car. Hope you likes. K, this is getting too long, bai. <3)

Song(s): America's Suitehearts by Fall Out Boy    

Streets of Gold? I Think Not.    


Warmth graced its fingers around every inch of my body. Foreign scents filled my nostrils and new tastes formed at my dry tongue. A gentle breeze whistled through the air, bringing along with it the acute chirps of what I presumed to be baby birds and the hushed whispers of animal life. I noticed that the sound of hard cement beneath my feet was replaced by soft ruffling, similar to that of grass, as my converse continued marching me forward. I still hadn't opened my eyes at this point; whether it was because of the sheer terror of not knowing what awaited me or because I just wanted to absorb my surroundings first with senses other than the ever-popular sense of sight, I don't know. But when I did finally squint my eyes open and hesitantly peak through my lashes, I suddenly felt as if my lungs were going to burst. I must have accidentally taken in a sharp gasp and lost all memory of how to breathe it out. 


Beautiful were the luminous green blades of grass, occasionally decorated with a bush of vividly colored flowers. Beautiful were the healthy, mahogany brown trunks of trees that spread their leaf-sleeved arms and scattered themselves about in perfectly even spacing. Beautiful was the wildlife; from the wyverns that nested in the canopies above to the little, furry game that found shelter near the forest floors. Most beautiful, however, was the sky. Not a single cloud interrupted its perfectly streaked shade of cobalt blue. It was so perfect in fact, that if I didn't know better, I could've sworn on my life that it was a painting. 

My constricted throat had started to burn, reminding me that I'd been holding my breath. I finally came around and realized that I'd been standing still all this time, probably coming off as an idiot. 

To say that I was simply mesmerized would be the understatement of the century.

It was then that I felt the absence of Serenity's hand at the small of my back. She stepped in front of me and leaned in as if readying to tell a secret. Her emerald eyes cut me back to reality; this reality at least.

"How do you like it?" she mused rather loudly, sudden excitement clinging to her melodic voice. 

I simply stared at her. I couldn't bring myself to form coherent words; not yet. My lips, however, took it upon themselves to try to do the currently impossible but they just ended up forming a weird contortion of shapes and I can only imagine my face resembled one of a suffocating fish flopping on land.

Serenity giggled. This woman had the audacity to laugh at my plight! Her laughter sounded like a chorus of bells and I found my self internally laughing with her. 

The man whom Serenity had identified as Gabriel put his hand on my shoulder, turning my attention to him. 

"If you please, your majesty." 

"Speak, Gabriel."

"I promised Miss Alexandra here an explanation, your majesty. Please allow me to follow through."

"Very well, Gabriel," Serenity nodded, then turned to face me once more, "Now Alexandra, Gabriel here is going to give you the grand tour and answer all your questions. Be good now, okay?" she smiled sincerely, her round cheeks pushed up by the corners of her mouth and her eyes slightly squinting.

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