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You call me up
You call me down
Little did I know that they were just buttons you pressed
Varying in intensity whenever you were stressed

Each day passed by
Never knowing if you'll be happy or depressed
On days that you were happy
To neighbours you would be so friendly and chatty

But there would be days when you were angry and sad
That's when I knew I needed to function
For this is a place you can hide
Even if it's just for a few seconds
To shed a tear and cry
I'll hide your deepest secrets
I'll hide your emotions as soon as the doors close

Sometimes I wish I could stop you from hurting yourself, when you step foot inside me
You can punch, kick, vomit and defecate my walls
But I'll still be there for you the next day
(Unless I'm being held up in maintenance, then you should probably use the stairs)
Supporting you with my handlebars

PHASES [Poems By Shaun Alvar]Where stories live. Discover now