Forget Me Not

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Everyday, she would go a little deeper
Further and further, she would drive it through
The toughest part was when the journey became just a little bit steeper
She could feel it flowing out from her, warm to the touch
Awaiting the day when her soul from her body be detached

She found no purpose in living
Everyday was nothing but a struggle and a nightmare. Tormented by the very same labels used since she was in elementary school
But they didn't care nor did they choose to know how badly it was affecting her.

We would have apologised they said
We would taken back our words they said
But what was the point?
Now when she's left lying on her bed, dead.
The day they will never forget
The day they will forever dread

Hey Strangers, I was inspired to write this because of what happened recently in my school. A person in my Nursing course, committed suicide. I didn't know him but it just saddens me when I hear news like this happening.

Please, please seek help if you're thinking of doing this. Don't suffer in silence.

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