Dan and Phil

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I'm going to talk about a ton of Phan things in this chapter so just deal with it.

   Let's start out with the people who say they only like Dan and hate on Phil. They make me so incredibly angry. Dan wouldn't be fucking alive if it wasn't for Phil!!!! Do they just not understand that!? I get if you only like Dan whatever but when you go and hate on Phil it pisses me off. It's so sad to think but Dan would probably be dead if it wasn't for Phil. He saved his life.

  Now onto the phandom. I love the phandom because we are all one big family. We may have our differences but for the most part we support each other. I love the phandom because of how deep it is and how deep you can dive into it. Imagine the phandom as a really deep basement with a ton of stories like district 13. Most people start off just watching a couple of videos but then you start diving deeper by figuring out dumb things about them like their middle names (Michael, James) and favorite colors (Phils is blue Dans is obviously black). Then you keep getting deeper and deeper and learn the unspoken rules of the phandom like Adrian and the v day video, stuff like that. But then you get like me and hit rock bottom where you spend all your free time watching them or reading phanfics or listening to all the Phan songs. I love the phandom and I never want to leave.

That's all for this chapter bye.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz