Roman atwood

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Before I start this whole chapter was IlanaDunbar 's idea. She made a chapter in her rant book about this and you should really go check it out. Now on with the rant,

So Roman Atwood is an amazing YouTuber, prankster and Dad. He makes vlogs of him and his family, he has two sons Noah and Kane and an amazing girlfriend Brittany. Roman has gone trough a lot of problems from being very poor wen he was younger, having a cheating wife, divorce, and not being able to have his oldest son in the vlogs. His ex wife is an absolute bitch and uses Roman for money and a while ago she wouldn't let Noah (Roman and her son) be in the vlogs anymore. Luckily he took her to court and won so Noah can be in the vlogs again but Roman still doesn't get to see him that much. He makes vlogs every day so he can remember what he did with his kids when they get older and he always tries to make them filled with positivity and things to make his viewers happy. Sadly not to long ago (about three days ago to be exact) he started getting a ton of hate which makes me so mad. He did a video called THIS IS CRAZY!! 100 BATH BOMB Experiment which was insanely popular raking in 8 million views, that's 6 million more then there normal amount and it was even featured on YouTubes home page. The sad part is that people started commenting things like

I skipped to the bath bomb part at 10:40

I admit I only watched because of the thumbnail

I don't understand this guy-so many views... So little useful content!

Damm your white ass kid has a good life you  fucking crackers

Don't waster your time, bath bombs at the 11 min mark

How does this fucknut has 7.5 subscribers?

These are just some of them but they are all completely real you can go check I'll link the video up top. Things like this make me so angry because Roman is legitimately a good guy and tries his hardest to make other people happy even if he is having a bad day. I guess that's it for this rant but the picture is Roman and his family and the video is there too. Thanks for reading, bye.

Oh and it would be awesome if you could go check his channel out and spread the positivity with your friends.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz