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I'm so annoyed. Photo grid the app I have been using I make out fits for my story's and just for fun for years is stupid since its new update. It's so annoying now and only lets you put 4 pictures in a grid when I used to put like twelve and now it's turned into some social media where you post pictures and shit and it's so annoying. It doesn't even do what the name says anymore because it doesn't make grids!! I'm so angry and if anyone know what good grid/collage making apps there are please let me know because I need to find a new one. Thanks in advance, bye.

Updated: I tried literally every app I could find and hated them all. It makes me want to scream because I was going to update my story tonight but now and I really wanted to put this outfit in it and I can't. I'm a weirdo who has to have to I know but I personally think things are easier to imagine if you have a picture of the outfit so judge me. Polyvore sucked. I tried but none of my pictures were 600x600 pixels and you have to have that you use it. Ugh

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz