My grandpa

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This story might seem crazy and I don't know if it's real but I have this memory of my grandpa coming and holding me when I was a baby. Now let me explain, it was my dads dad died when my dad was four years old. I so specifically remember a man in a military uniform holding me when I was a baby. I was in my living room and no one else was there but him and I. Another weird thing is I had never seen pictures of him before a few years ago because there aren't many. My dads family was really poor so they couldn't afford a camera. A few years ago when I was looking at the pictures of him I thought to my self woah that's the guy who held me when I was a baby so I asked my dad who it was and he said his dad who died when he was four so I immediately just threw out the idea that was him and thought is was someone else but then I saw a picture of him wearing the exact outfit he held me in. I know it sounds crazy because I was a baby but I swear I remember it. I don't know if it's real, it might be a dream I had or something but I remember it so specifically. Now I no longer have a grandpa because my moms dad died two years ago but that's a story for another time. I just wanted to tell you this to see what you think of it, let me know in the comments. Also if I could find the picture I would put it in but I don't know where it's at. Thanks for reading, bye.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz