My school, again

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My school is so.. I don't even know a good word to use. Horrible, maybe? Annoying? Pointless? Ridiculous? It's pretty much all of those. So at my school there are two grades, 7th and 8th and the 8th grade us upstairs while the 7th grade is down stairs. There are two stairwells in my school and now thanks to our wonderful principle and vice principal (note the sarcasm) the 8th graders can only use one stairwell. I can't fucking wait to see the day they realize that this whole system is stupid and just causes a traffic jam of students in the stairwell as well as kids being late to class. I had to stop packing my lunch because I didn't have time to go to my locker all the way to my forth period. My forth period is Choir and that's on the 1st floor and directly across from the stairs right by my locker which I now can't use. It makes me so mad and I'm just going to use those stairwells whenever. Go ahead and let them yell at me. Fuck it I don't care, I would rather be yelled at for a few minutes then be late to class and get a detention. It makes me so fucking mad and all of the other people who go to my school will agree. I'm too pissed right now, bye. I didn't even edit this but i don't care.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz