Chris oflying

15 3 0

I fucking hate him now. He's such a little bitch and so is his girlfriend. Everything has went downhill since her. I used to love him back when he collabed with Mathew Lush and Luke Corns but now he's fake crying, lying, pretending to be sexually assaulted and raped, saying he doesn't want to make sexual things in his video then making a fake sex tape with his girlfriend, making up fake things to be "relatable" and it's pissing me the fuck off. He was amazing and then he made the first couple fake crying videos and I was okay with it. Like I get it your going through something emotional but when that's the only thing he ever makes the past couple months it pisses me off. He got in a fight with Damon Fizzy (a youtuber I love and have watched since 2011/12) because Damon called him out on the fake ness. Now Mathew lush made a video explaining why they aren't friends anymore and calling him out. That's why I love Matt. He's a real human who's not afraid to call people out on there bullshit. I'll link the video up top but I'm done now, bye.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz