Thunder stroms

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I love thunder storms so much and people think I'm so weird because of that. (Ps there is currently a thunder storm where i am and that's why I'm writing this) I think thunder storms are beautiful because it's beauty meets it opposite, the rain makes beautiful things like rainbows and puddles while lightning causes damage and destruction. I also love it because it's a combination of calm and chaos. The rain is calming and soothing while the thunder and lighting create chaos and mayhem. In my opinion thunder storms are absolutely beautiful. I just can't get over how beautiful the rain is calm and how exciting the Lightning makes everything crazy. The Lightning lights up the whole sky for a few seconds making it seem like it's day time at night and the Rain calms you after it. Sorry for getting all deep I just wanted to share my opinion and let me know how you guys feel about them. Thanks for reading, bye

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz