Sam Pepper and homophobs

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Part one about Sam pepper: I cannot tell you how much I hate this fucking dick bag. I hate him so fucking much that just telling you doesn't show how much I hate him. He's such a fucking doucebag and I hope he dies a slow painful death. I hate him more then I hate the homophobic idiot that put his arm around me and I hate him a lot(the guy I talk about in the next part) I hate him with a passion and I don't understand how he is not in jail. He sexually assaulted multiple women and put in on the Internet as a "social experiment", he "pranked" his friend making him think that his best friend was dead, many people have came out saying that he tried to force them into him a blow job, and he has hurt mentally and physically many other youtubers yet he still has two million subscribers and he's not in jail. It makes me sick that there are people in the world like him. I think I'm going to make a troll Fanfic about him but in the end I'll murder him but I'm not sure. Also go check out Jessi smiles video where she talks about the time
He tried to fight her because it's hilarious. He kept yelling BUT WERE YOU THERE THO!?

 He kept yelling BUT WERE YOU THERE THO!?

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

^Couch cough Sam pepper

 ^Couch cough Sam pepper

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Part two about Homophobic people: I hate homophobic people with a burning passion and I'm going to tell you my experience with one

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Part two about Homophobic people: I hate homophobic people with a burning passion and I'm going to tell you my experience with one. So early this year I had a crush on a guy named Ian and we talked for a while and then he told me he had a girlfriend but I was fine with that I just wanted to keep talking to him. One day I texted him asking if a girl in a picture with his sister was her girlfriend because one of my good friends wanted to know and he freaked out yelling at me that his sisters not gay and being gay is wrong because the bible says and at the same time saying Bisexuality isn't real. Then he asked 'haven't you read the bible? It clearly says it's wrong' (that is a exact quote form what he texted me) so I said no because I'm an atheist and then he freaked out and yelled at me more and in the end he said we couldn't be friends anymore because I'm not a Christan and that I could never talk to him again. I did exactly what he said and didn't talk to him again until one day he started being friendly and asking for help on his work and I was like hahahahah no bitch I'm not allowed to talk to you. Then on the second to last day of school this piece of shit goes and wraps his arm around my waist and scoots me over, I had to bite my lip to stop from screaming at him. I was so pissed off and I still hate him so much. Also something hilarious he did was he texted me a few days ago with a chain letter!! Yup that douche bag texts me after saying I could never talk to him again. I hate him so much! Oh and the today I was watching a kids react video where they reacted to gay marriage and one girl said I hate people who are homophobic and then fake couched and said Nash and I died laughing. That's it for today I hope you enjoyed my rants, bye.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz