Rules of dating in a friend group

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There are certain rule when it comes to dating people in your friend group and I'm hear to tell you what they are. Ps I know people who have done some of these and it's turned out bad. A few of them reads this so I hope they doesn't get pissed. Please don't be mad. Also some of these don't apply to dating with in a friend group but most do.

1. You do not date someone your friend has dated unless it's been at least 6 months. AT LEAST!
2. You should never date your ex's best friend. You can maybe date one of there friends but never best friend.
3. If your going to date someone in the friend group always consult at least two other friends to make sure it's a good idea.
4. If you know the person who is asking you out dated one of your friends and broke their heart DO NOT date them
5. Don't make one of your friends breakup with your boyfriend/ girlfriend for you. I know personally that this is not fun because I have had to do it.
6. Only tell the people you trust the most in your friend group who you like. Do not tell anyone that has told about crushes in the past.
7. If you do really want to date one of your friends exes make sure that that friend Is okay with it.
8. Wait at least two week after dumping someone to move on as this might lead to you realizing you fucked up and want to get back together.
9. Once you start dating someone do not tell the rest of the friend group until you are sure they can handle it.
10. Don't ship two people that hate each other. Trust me You'll just end up in sadness when it doesn't work out.

Those are just some of these rules and most of them are from experience so don't be offended if you know one is about you. Thank you for reading, bye.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz