Clowns. The fucking clowns

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Holy shit. If you don't live in Ohio (I think it's the only state with this happening but idk) you probably have no clue what I'm talking about but Imma explain just give me a second. I really don't know much about them but I'm going to try. Apparently there is this huge group of people going around stalking people, saying they were going to kill people, saying they were going to kidnap people. Some people are thinking it's a terrorist group and some think that they are going to have some kind of purge on Halloween night. It's fucking terrifying. A school somewhat by my house was locked down because of it, my school and our high school had threats, a school that is less then a five minutes walk from my house got threats that they were going to get shot up and it's so scary. There are also a ton of people creating fake accounts to freak people out and it's getting them in serious trouble, one 19 year old guy in Cincinnati, Ohio got arrested because of it. People have reported getting texts from the clowns and seeing actual clowns to the police and it's making me and everyone else even more scared. I just wanted to come on here to rant about this and remind everyone to stay safe. Don't go out purposely looking for them, cause that's dumb as fuck, don't go to areas that they have been reported to alone, report anything you see or hear that could be related to them, and just stay safe in general. Thanks for reading and please please please don't be stupid about this and try to find them or something like that.

Rants and random things from my brain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz