01 | Sand Viper Attack

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The sun was beating down on the dirt road I was taking towards the city where supplies from the Human Capitol arrived every week. Trees lined the horizon in the distance and craters from dried up lakes dotted the sandy area around the straight dirt road.

It was hot, about ninety-three degrees fahrenheit if I had to guess. My tongue was prickly with dehydration and my eyes drooped unhealthily from sleep deprivation. I had been awake for the past five days taking this wretched dirt road towards the city, and now more than ever I wish I could just kick the stupid road and arrive at the train tracks instantly.

It was Thursday, the shipments would arrive tomorrow at noon. If I wanted to get there early and get all the good stuff, I'd have to keep going without any brakes. Those are the kinds of things you have to do to survive. I would've liked to go into the woods to hunt, honestly, but the shipments that the Human Capital gave out were much fresher and healthier than any game I would find out there.

So I kept walking, my feet sore in their brown scuffed up hiking boots while my thin grey poncho hood covered my head to keep out the sun. My torn black leggings had no help in keeping me cool since my red shirt underneath my poncho was soaked in sweat. I brushed a strand of hair out of my face and squinted my eyes in the distance, my sight pushing past the heat waves and dirt to see buildings in the distance. From the pace I was going and how far the city seemed to be, I'd say it would take me about another six hours to get there.

I let out a huff and shouldered my dark brown canvas rucksack higher on my back and kept walking. My stainless steel water bottle that I had stolen from an unoccupied market cart had been empty for the past day and the only food I had left were a few strips of beef jerky that looked expired. I also had my long knife in my bag along with a few water purification tablets and a pouch of gold coins, but at the moment, none of those items were much help.

My mind wandered off while I walked along the dirt road, my imagination starting to spark as mirages appeared around me. The illusions were most likely from dehydration or heat exhaustion, so I did my best to ignore the purple elephant chasing the yellow squirrel through what looked like green seawater.

After a few more minutes of insane illusions, I couldn't take it anymore and searched through my bag for the beef jerky, stuffing a strip in my mouth and chewing it in frustration. The mirages slowly faded away and I was alone again—just me, the sun, and the stupid dirt road.

When I get to the city, I thought, glaring at the buildings in the distance. I should be able to get some cash from wealthy citizens. That way, I won't have to wait for the shipments to come with the stuff I need.

A few months back, I used to pick-pocket with a few allies that I had made since I was pretty much defenseless. My hands were trained to skillfully slide a few bills or coins out of a back pocket or—when I was lucky—casually pick up a bag sitting unguarded and hide it in the folds of my poncho. Eventually, one of my allies had been caught and were sentenced to death along with the rest of us. I was the only one who escaped the execution.

Honestly, the punishments these days are so outrageously unfair that it's almost humorous.

I focused back on the task at hand, not letting my imagination escape again and potentially risk insanity, and kept on walking down the long dirt road.

• • •

"Does it ever end!" I screamed, my voice hoarse from lack of water. Screaming was probably a bad move, but I was just so frustrated! The city seemed even farther away than three hours ago! My mouth was parched, I had run out of beef jerky hours ago, my feet and legs were sore, and the sun was not helping at all. At this point, I was seriously considering running into the woods to get some food.

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