But it's you who'll have further to fall

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Adam's: POV

When I woke up, I was chained on a hospital bed. Jesper came through the door, and in his hand he held a syringe. "What'll you do?" I asked. "I'll do a little experiment on you, it's not dangerous." he said, and stabbed the syringe into my skin. I felt how the virus spread in the veins, and I fainted. I woke up again a few hours later, and saw a guy, and he was a vampire.

Jesper cut his throat, and my eyes got black. I rushed up to him, and drank his blood, until his head fell off. I realized to my horror what he had done to me. I only drank vampire blood now, instead of human blood. If I returned home, there was a chance that I would kill Thomas. But I wrote a letter, and I hoped he would understand.

Thomas's: POV

I was so worried about Adam, he hadn't returned home yesterday evening. What if something had happened to him? I called Tommy, but he had not seen Adam either. When I went out to get the mail, I saw a letter on the ground. I picked it up, and began to read.

My dear Thomas! I love you over all my heart, and I will always do. But something has happened, and I can't come home. It's for your own good, and I hope you will understand. It must be this way. Take care of you. Love from your husband Adam.

I read the letter over and over again, and tears ran down my cheeks. I was about to call him, when Luna's name came up. "Hey papa!" she said happily, it felt good to hear her voice again. "Hello honey, how are you?" I asked. "I'm good, and I can't wait until to tell everything for you and dad." said Luna. "I don't know if he will be here, when you come back." I replied, and my voice cracked. "Where is he?" she asked worried. "He's gone!" I said.

Adam is now a Augustine vampire, which means he drink blood from vampires now. I hope you liked this chapter.


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