I knew you were troubble

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Adam's: POV

Tommy and Alex were exact copies of, my husband and friend. I knew I had to move on, but I couldn't. I put on a long dark coat, and walked out. I saw Alex sitting on a bench with a drawing pad, in her lap. She wore a white shirt with a dark tie and smokey gray eyes.

(This is Alex Ratliff, Alexandra's dubbelganger)

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(This is Alex Ratliff, Alexandra's dubbelganger)

"Oh hey Adam!" she said happily, when I sat down next to her. "Hey!" I mumbled, and didn't pay so much attention. "You're not like the other guys, you are cool and mysterious." said Alex with a smile. I wanted to turn on my humanity, but then all the feelings would come back. "Well, I guess you're right." I replied. "It will be a Halloween party tonight, and they looking for a singer." said Alex. "I suppose that singer is me." I replied, and smirked. "Oh great, I can't wait to hear you." said Alex happily.

"You remind me of a girl I know, she looked just like you." I repiled, and tired to smile. "What happened to her?" asked Alex gently. "She was murdered, together with her brother." I said sadly. Alex was silent, and didn't know what to say. "See you later then!" I said, and she nodded.

"Watch out!" replied a guy annoyed, when I happened to walk into him. "You mess with the wrong one!" I said coldly, and pushed him up against the wall, and put the fangs into his skin. I dropped him when his body was, drained of blood. To be a bad vampire was pretty good.

Few hours later

"Hello everyone, I'm Adam Lambert, and I'll sing my song Voodoo." I said, the audience clapped.

Moon shine (moonshine) on the bayou. Love shrine (love shrine) break the taboo. I wanna know what's in your potion. Bound by total devotion.

I was lookin' for love all over. You're the hunter and I'm your prey. Now I'm lost in a love hangover. I try to leave but I have to stay.

Cause it's voodoo voodoo voodoo. (Under your spell) Cause it's voodoo voodoo voodoo. (Under your spell)

Swamp sings over the bazaar. Snake bites aligning stars. I'm enraptured there is no cure. No sanctuary from your allure.

I was lookin' for love all over. You're the hunter and I'm your prey. Now I'm lost in a love hangover. I try to leave but I have to stay.

Cause it's voodoo voodoo voodoo. (Under your spell) Cause it's voodoo voodoo voodoo. (Under your spell)

When I was finished, I walked down from the stage, and went up to Tommy. "I knew you were troubble!" I said, and kissed him deeply and passionatley. "What happened?" asked Tommy shocked, when we broke the kiss. "I don't know, I need fresh air." I said, and ran out.

What have I done? But it felt great to kiss him. I have to tell him the truth, before he find out. "Adam, is it really you?" asked a familiar voice. I turned around, and saw Thomas. "Oh my darling, I thought I would never see you again." I said happily and, kissed him.

"A witch bring me back, and I have searched after you through, several decades." replied Thomas. I closed my eyes, and turned on my humanity. "I've miss you so much, and nothing can tear us apart again." I said softly.

Thomas is back, but how will Tommy handle it, and how long will Adam stay as a good vampire? I hope you liked this chapter.


Whispers in the ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora