I tried to pretend it didn't matter

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Adam's: POV

"Oh PrettyKitty, that's wonderful!" I replied happily. "I was afraid that you, would get angry." I replied. "I can never get mad at you, we'll be partens again." I said, and kissed his baby stomach. "Thanks darling!" I replied, with a smile. "Rest now now, you need it!" I whispered, and walked down to the others.

"How is Thomas?" asked Leila worried. "We will have a baby, he's pregnant." I said. "How wonderful!" repiled both Leila and Alexandra. "But he throw up, everytime he drink from blood bags." I said. "Don't you understand? he prefers human blood now." replied Alexandra, as it was the obvious thing in the world. "Oh!" was the only thing I could say.

"It will go well!" said Leila motherly. "I wish Charlie was here, he'd love to be big brother." I replied sadly. "Hey, what's going on here?" asked Alex, and Tommy was behind her. "A lot of things!" I said, and went to the kitchen.

"As what?" asked Tommy. "Charlie doesn't remember us, and Thomas is pregnant." I said. Then he came down, and his stomach had grown a bit. "Why is he here?" asked Thomas annoyed. "I think I should go now." mumbled Tommy low, and started to go to the door.

"He is as welcome here as anyone!" I said. "I don't want him here!" replied Thomas coldly. "You're acting very childish now." I said in a angry voice. "You said you could never get mad at me, you lied." he shouted, and tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry babe, I know it's tough for you." I said calmly, and stroked his back.

"Come!" whispered Alex, and the others left us alone. I sat down next to Thomas in the couch. "I think I felt a kick!" I said happily. "Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" asked Thomas curiously. "It doesn't matter, as long as the baby is healthy, I'm happy." I said. "Me too!" replied Thomas with a smile.

Charlie's: POV

I arrived to a huge house, and looked through the window. I saw two men I suppose was Adam and Thomas. He didn't look like an evil vampire, his eyes shone of happiness, and he was pregnant.

I knocked gently at the door, and a man with dark hair opened. "Forgive me for interrupting, but I have come with a warning." I said. "What's for warning?" asked Adam. "A man named Sauli Koskinen is plan on to kill Thomas." I said.

Maybe Charlie started to remember his family now, and will they trust him? I hope you liked this chapter.


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