You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.

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Luna's: POV

"You did what?" shouted Jonathan. "Leave her alone, I thought you cared about me, but you just want to kill, vampires and tear apart a beautiful family." said Max, and tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, I know I've been a horrible dad, can you forgive me?" he asked. "Of course dad!" said, Max with a smile. "Thank you Jonathan, and I forgive you too." I replied.

The next day

"Congrats Luna, all right on the historical exam." said Jonathan, and handed me the paper. "Thanks, and dad did not help me this time." I replied, and blinked. "That's good!" he said, and smiled. "Tommy told me he, has something fun tell when we came home." replied Max happily. "I wonder what it is." I said.

When we got home, Alex did her best to not tell us already. We went to the livingroom, and Tommy had a smile on his lips. "What is it?" asked both me and Max. "We wanted to take care of a child, who've help us a lot, we're so thankful for everything he has done, we've adopted Carlie as our little brother." said Tommy.

Carlie came in, and ran into his arms. Tommy lifted up him, and laughed softly. "Aww, that's wonderful news, and you will be a great brother to him, and you Alex will be a wonderful sister." I replied. "Thanks honey!" she said.

Carlie have a new family, and Jonathan is only a history teacher now, and he has nothing against vampires anymore. By the way, me and Max has started a rockband together, and we will soon be on a mini tour. We are so excited and, nervous at the same time. But we know we'll rock it. Life is good!

Aww, Tommy and Alex will be wonderful siblings to Carlie, and Luna and Max tour will be awesome.

I'll write a new vampire book called Evil in the night, if you have any ideas what the story should be about, you're free to comments them down below. I hope you liked this chapter.


Whispers in the ForestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora