You looked back up to the water, and a thought came to your mind.

Oh shit it could of been worse.

Do I even have to describe what was happening?

Lucy was completely vulnerable, with no spirit keys. And Minerva was...

Let's just say it was horrible to watch. Lucy was taking all the attacks, all of them.

"Is everyone seriously just going to watch?" You hissed, they had to stop the match didn't they? Marie looked down at the floor unable to watch while Max looked just as angry as you.

Were all of Sabertooth like this?

You had to look away.

They called of the match. Which in your opinion should of been done earlier. Minerva was being unnecessary from the beginning. Now she just held the Fairy Tail member out of the bubble, proving that she had won. And then dropped her as if it was nothing.

Two other members came to catch this 'nothing', and then followed by another. You were actually a little frightened of how pissed off Natsu and Gray both looked, and Erza's emotionless expression was equally as worrying.

"What have you done bitch!" Natsu shouted at her, neither you ,Marie or Max moved since the accident, probably shocked and the fact you couldn't -but more likely shouldn't- do anything.

"What's with that look?" Minerva emerged from the bubble, "I simply took advantage of the rule."

Her voice made you sick.

"Rather you should be grateful to me for letting her take second place," she held an annoying smirk on her lips, "I guess she did not understand. She's useless trash."

You heard Natsu hiss at the comment and watched him swing his arms out. You hoped he'd hit her.

However more Sabertooth members appeared before, protecting her. As if she needed protecting at all. Only three of them though, you noticed immediately that Rogue was still on the balcony. Just looking down at the scene, almost upset.

If Erza hadn't of scared you before she did now, her face became shades darker as she spoke with her voice filled with anger. "I don't care if your the strongest or number 1 in Fiore, I will only say one thing," she stared at them, holding Natsu and Gray back, "you have made enemies of the worst guild to anger."

And with that the medical teams arrived taking Lucy away while her team rushed along with her. Sabertooth looked proud of themselves, Sting especially, you wanted to slap the smirk of his face and tell him to get over himself.

"I would of said a lot more than that," you turned away to look at Marie and Max, who were still looked in shock. You didn't think she heard you, but she did.

"Hm?" You turned your head, Minerva looked at you smiling, as if waiting to continue a friendly conversation. "What was that?"

"Oh it was nothing," you pretended to dismiss it, "I was just pondering over how passive  Fairy Tail were being, I'm sure the rest of us have a lot things we'd like to say to you."

"(Y/n)," Max stopped you, if possible, you could literally start giving yours and everyone else opinion, right there and then,

She chuckled, "aww that's quite cute, you really are quite an interesting character."

That confused you, why would she even notice you , unless maybe Rogue had mentioned you? You'd like to think otherwise.

"What do you m-" you began, but felt a weight being lifted from under your coat, your sword had gone. Of course Minerva was behind it.

"Well, this was fun," she turned to walk away with the rest of her smirking team, "we've got to go prepare for the battles." And with that she left.

"What the hell?" Max asked, with Marie standing next to him,

"I should of kept quiet," you cursed to yourself, now wondering what you were going to do if you got picked for the battles. Max almost seemed to agree with you but didn't say anything out loud. "Can you walk, Marie?" You asked.

"Of course I can," she sounded a little annoyed, "let's just go prepare for the battles," leading the way out of the arena.


An on time update! I'm so proud of myself.

I really praised Juvia in this chapter, she is the fav XD.

I'm going to talk about Akio and this chapter since it was requested?? If you want to use that word?

I had loads of versions of Akio, he started out a lot bolder than his final version. Also he didn't have a little sister but a little sister figure in a way? His name was something like Brooke, but I've obviously changed him now. He is definitely my favourite OC, I'll probably end up using him and Akira in other stories too, because I feel like there's so much character to explore. So definitely expect more from Akio. Also he's clearly the 'love rival' (in some ways) so you can definitely expect more from him XD.

How else should I talk about? I like doing this XD.

Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Reader*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora