Again, not a chapter (SO SORRY!!)

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Hey Sinners! I promise you'll get a new chapter on Friday, but I just wanted to ask you guys something.

If I posted a Fairy Tail story, will anyone read it?

Because I have one that's already complete in my drafts

But I just want to make sure that people would read it

Here's the description:

"Rin was born to two non-magic users. So when it was shown that Rin had the ability to use light magic, they split up, leaving her to fend for herself. She became a thief, stealing only the little things like food. But when she turned thirteen, she encountered a group of wizards, and she was suddenly forced into a life where she knew nothing about what would happen next."

(Title is "Dream of Light")

- Sin

(P.S. If this get's enough votes/comments saying that they'll read it, then the first chapter will go up on Friday, along with the next chapter of this book)

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