Chapter 13

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Thanks to @meloedalu for the scare suggestion in this chapter! If anyone else has a suggestion, please, feel free to give it! I'm going along the anime! This part is the Holloween Competition, so that hopefully gave you the idea of the time frame of this story so far


Amaya was sitting in a graveyard, watching as ghosts around her partied. The competition would be in an hour, and she needed to get at least a couple ghosts for her plan. She stood up and looked around for any ghosts that could deem creepy. She spotted a pair of boy girl twins, seeming to look ten. She walked up at the two.

"Excuse me." She said, looking at the two.

They looked up and looked around them, trying to spot who she was talking to. They whispered to each other and looked at Amaya, "Are you talking to us?" They said together. They were about the same exact height, the girl had long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, which both had a small amount of red in them. Her brother was the exact same, except he had short choppy hair and blue eyes.

"Of course, who else would I be talking to?"

"You can see us?" The girl asked.

"Yeah." Amaya said, "Now, I have a plan, if you want to scare some people."

The twins smiled and nodded, leaning in as Amya whispered in their ears, she stood back up and smiled, "If you could maybe get some others for tonight, That would be awesome!" She smiled and watched as the twins floated away talking to some other ghosts, looked at at her, then nodded. Amaya walked over to the bench she was sitting at and grabbed her bag.

"Hey Gigi, I'm leaving!" She shouted out.

Gigi looked at Amaya, said her goodbyes to whoever she was talking to, and floated up to her. "I managed to get two ghosts for the plan tonight." Gigi said, smiling.

"Awesome, now, I'd better get home before the competition, and I doubt they would let me wear this unless it was a costume." She looked down at the light gray tank top and black pants. "Anyways, I think we're going to get the twins good." She said, smiling.

"It's going to be dark~" Gigi taunted.

"I know it's going to be dark and I'm terrified." Amaya said, cold sweat running down her face. "Though I just have to stop stuttering when I'm in front of people. I could p-probably do that."



"Don't be, we'll scare those twins good, just make sure to touch their bare skin, and just think about the plan!"

"Yeah yeah, I know." Amaya said as she headed out of the graveyard. She walked back to her house, which was quite close, ironically. When inside, she heard her cell start to ring, she picked it up and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey sweetie." It was her mom. "I'm so sorry, but our business trip went late, so it will take longer to get home, I'm so sorry, there's a gift in the mail coming to you though."

"Don't worry mom, it's okay!" Amaya said, making her voice cheery, "I'll be fine, I... Actually have some friends."

She heard her mother gasp in joy, "Tell me all about it when we get home! Love you!" Then she hung up.

"Love you too..." Amaya said just after her mom hung up. She sighed and hung up, walking up to her room and looking at the pile of dresses her mom had gotten her. She sighed and walked past them, grabbing a uniform and changing into it, once she was changed, she looked at the time, the competition would be starting soon. Amaya walked out the door and headed to school, Gigi floating right behind her, smiling and humming. Holloween effected her like others, since she was a ghost after all.

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