Chapter 16

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Amaya sighed as she walked to the bathroom, for some reason, everyone in the club except Haruhi has been trying to scare her. She replayed the moments in her mind, first there was Mori, calmly banging pans together and making a sound like thunder, without saying a word. When she asked what he was doing, he just said;


And walked away. Next was Honey, who brought her into a brightly lit tight space, disappointed when Amaya didn't act scared. Next was Tamaki, who was holding a flaming stick out towards her, going into a gloom corner with it after she didn't respond with anything but a confused glance. If Amaya knew better, she would think they were trying to find her fear.

"OooooOOoooOOoOooOOOOo..." A sound came from beside her, and she immediately knew it was another failed attempt at scaring her. She sighed and just decided to go along with it. "LeAveeeeee" said the fake ghost. Amaya felt a hand on her shoulder and grabbed onto it, feeling the wood. She pulled it away from whoever was holding it. She turned around and saw Hikaru looking at her in shock.

"Next time you try to imitate a ghost, I suggest you tone down on the Ooooing." She opened the door to the bathroom, flashing a smile, "Just for future reference."

~Hikaru's POV~
After Amaya shut the door, Hikaru and Koaru were just standing in shock.

"What could her fear possibly be?" Hikaru asked.

"I'm starting to think that it's actually the dark." Koaru muttered. The two sighed and headed towards their room.

~Amaya's POV~
After Amaya took her shower, she dried herself off and slipped into a nightgown. She walked out of the bathroom and towards her room, closing the door behind her and walking over to her duffle. She unzipped it and reached in for her little night light, heading over to the plug next to her bed and plugged it in.

No light. Amaya waited for a minute, still no light. She shifted the bulb, no light, she plugged it in more, it just wasn't working. She felt fear rise up in her throat, she looked outside, the sun was setting.

"No... P-please s-s-say it-t'll work." Amaya whispered to herself.

No matter what she did, there was no light. She finally looked at the bulb and saw it had burnt out. She looked out the window again, seeing that the stars were out and she started to breath heavily. The light from under the door faded away and everything around her was swallowed up by the darkness. She stood up and backed away, bumping into the wall behind her.

Why would we show mercy to a freak like you? The question burned in her memories. The first time she was called a freak. The first time she had ever felt betrayed. You're just a lonely, miserable freak that talks to herself! Laughter filled her mind, she covered her mouth as she felt tears run down her face.

"I-It's so d-dark... P-please... L-let me o-out." She was muttering, trembling terribly. "H-h-help... Some-eone... M-Mommy... D-daddy..."

~Kyoya's POV~
Kyoya was walking to his room when he heard a muffled sob come from Amaya's room. He looked over and opened the door, seeing her against the wall, terrified.

"Amaya?" He asked quietly, taking a step towards her.

Amaya shut her eyes and recoiled, "P-Please l-leav-ve m-me alone.... H-haven't you d-done enou-ugh?" She looked up at him, she seemed as if she wasn't staring at him, but at something behind him. He looked back, seeing nobody, then took another step towards Amaya. He looked beside him and turned on the lights.

~Amaya's POV~
The lights were turned on and everything came into view. She looked at Kyoya, who was just calmly standing in her doorway.

She fell to her knees, tears falling down her cheeks, "T-Thanks K-Kyoya-senpai." She said, her voice shaking.

Kyoya walked up to her and held out his hand, he looked down at her, "Shall I grab a night light for you?" He asked helping her up.

Amaya nodded, rubbing her eyes. "I-I would l-like that..." She muttered.

Kyoya nodded and walked out, leaving Amaya alone in the room, with the lights on. She walked over to her bed and laid down, her head rested on her pillow as she took deep breaths, calming down a bit now that there was now light. Soon she heard someone walk inside and she heard someone plug something into the plug behind her and then walk out, the lights turning off but a bright light was still lighting up the room she felt her eyes close and she fell asleep, smiling softly.

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