Chapter 25!

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Your POV:

Okay so the last 6 weeks have been crazy, we started and finished the summer tour and it was so much fun and awesome to hang with the artists that were with us. So let me tell you what went down in 6 weeks.

So the acts that were joining us was Fall Out Boy which I adore so much, their music always makes me smile. Also there was Set It Off, hanging with Cody was so much fun and we have stuff in common which was cool. Also joining was Our Last Night hanging with the boys was cool and having another set of twins make me and Kylie happy and we hung out with Trevor and Matt a lot since it was twin time. And finally The 1975 and let me tell you Lauren kept freaking out whenever she was in distance of Matt Healy and whenever he spoke to her she just freaked and hugged him which he didn't mind, he was so chill.

So the states were awesome to each one and each show was just amazing. We weren't the opening act anymore which made me happy. I didn't mind when we played but playing before 1975 was so cool to do and the fans were hype each and every night which made us play harder and better then ever. Whenever we had a day off to enjoy to ourselves we simply all went out to do something. Imagine seeing a giant group of artists who happen to be on tour with each other just walking around the city. We did things like going bowling, hanging at an arcade, going to a theme park. It was just so much fun.

Also me and Lauren are doing amazing we have become closer than ever. Every other day we had a little fun that be either in a hotel, the bus or even a dressing room if we could. We just couldn't keep our hands to ourselves (Selena Gomez WOO, sorry I had to) we have so much love for each other so why not show it. Also Kylie and Camila have been getting closer I don't want to know what they do behind closed doors but as long as they are happy I'm happy for them.  Another thing which suprised me is that Ally and Xavier are dating, we found them sharing a sercret kiss before the show it was sweet and we are happy for them they can date if they like so all was good. I got in touch with Nate since he is staying at my place looking after Sniper, some weeks we had smaller talks I didn't get why but it was fine.

So on some days I had off me and Lauren would stay in the bus and do a few videos for youtube of us just talking about life and sometimes singing. We also managed to do a few streams for twitch with the equipment I had and it was fun talking to fans and seeing them say things like how cute me and Lauren was and when Lauren tried to play the game how adorable she was trying to focus. We had so much fun and I also promised to open gifts I got from fans on tour and from the po. box I have from youtube and to open on twitch once I am home and also I have planned up a giveaway which is 5 HP Omen Gaming Laptops, 5 Concert Tickets, and a private game with me.

Me and Ally also spent time baking a lot of food whenver we could for youtube we made food like cake, more cupcakes, cookies, tarts and many more treats. Of course we had the girls and the band joining in and eating what we made but we didn't mind, that's kinda why we did it.

Also during the tour it was Riley and my dad's birthday so we sent of video messages and sent over presents and stuff because we love them so much. Also it was Mani's birthday so we celebrated that with going to a chicken wing place and ate and had fun on the night with a little clubbing but heading back early and we all watched a movie together which was awesome.

The girls album also released which was 7/27 which is getting loads of success and performing more of it at the shows. And fans love it and we sing it a lot when we are around.

So that was basically the summer tour wrapped up. I can't wait for the autumn one and who will be with us.


Hope you enjoyed this part and more to come.

Love Life

~ Molly.

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