Chapter 11!

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Your POV:

I woke up in the morning feeling excited and nervous. Today is the day I was going to ask Lauren to be mine, to be my girlfriend. Yes, I haven't known her for long but when you know you have to do it and I believe Lauren is the one for me. She has to be.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and after that I got dressed (Outfit above) the beanie is a nice touch I think. I go downstairs to see it's empty again, I really need to get a life. Lauren knows we are hanging out today so that's good.

I hear a bark and I see Sniper running downstairs and he runs to me and jumps at me.

"Hey boy, you hungry, is my little man hungry" I ask and he barks in my face. I make him some food and a fresh bowl of water and he digs right in. I decide to actually eat breakfast for once. I make myself a bowl of the good ol' captain crunch and a mug of coffee, I sit at the table alone and eat. I think about my family. Mom and Dad are at work so that explains that. Riley is probably at work. Kylie is also probably at work. And Nate is either at the garage getting his car done or somewhere. Why don't I have any plans. Oh wait I do...

My thoughts get interrupted with my phone ringing and I check the caller ID to see it's Kylie. I answer.

Call with Kylie

You : Kylie

Y: Sup ma sister

K: Stop being gangsta it will never work

Y: So mean to me anyway what the fudge do you want?

K: Well you know I'm at this meeting with 5H, the Biebs, Grande, Gomez and Lovato and also 3/4 of Brotherhood

Y: Wow, go you sis

K: Get your ass over here right now!

End of Call

Okay so I had a meeting how am I suppose to bloody know.

"Snipes, wanna go meet famous people" I ask him, he just barks at me. I'll take that as a yes. I pick him up and we go to my car. I get in and put him in the passenger seat and I drive to the studio.

I park the car and pick up Sniper and get out and make my way into the building. The lady tells me where to go and I take the elevator to the floor. Once there I walk to the room and I walk in. All eyes turn to me and I get all awe's and cutes from the girls as they see I'm holding Sniper.

I hold Sniper's paw and wave to them and they all say cute.

"Y/N and a dog, nice of you to join us" Simon says crossing his arms.

"Thanks for having us" I say and the only seat I see is by Lauren, even better. I walk over and sit by her. She pecks my cheek and pets Sniper. I let Sniper sit in my lap and turn my attention to Simon.

"Nice beanie by the way" I hear Lauren whisper in my ear and I smile.

"Okay so you are all here obviously to discuss this tour. It's Fifth Harmony's tour so many acts may join but all of you are first. It's a 4 season tour so you will have breaks but it's all in one year" Simons says and we all look excited especially the girls.

"Now I brought you all here to discuss tour busses since we don't want you all crowded or too many buses you all can decide between you who you want to be with".

"How many to one bus?" Ally asks and Simon replies with only 4 people.

"I think Brotherhood should be together since they are a band" Kylie says making me pout.

This Is The Life (Lauren/You) *OLD VERSION*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant