Chapter 2!

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I apologise for the long wait but here is chapter 2.

Your Pov:

She was right there in front of me, the girl who I have been capitvated by and grown to love, Lauren Jauregui. I take in all of her from the dark locks to her beautiful green eyes and wow I mean they were green alright. I should probably say something or she'll think I'm some stranger or a stalker.

"Um, I-I hi" I stuttered and say shyly, see this is what she does to me.

"Hi there, I'm Lauren, are you lost or something" she says sweetly, of course I know who you are you are the only girl I think of.

"N-no, I'm not lost, I was waiting for my sister and I went for a walk and now I'm here" I ramble on, she smiles at me as I speak, I'm happy I didn't faint.

"Oh, well so you don't get bored would you like to come hang with me and some friends for a while" she asks me, wouldn't mind just being her, but this can be my chance to meet the other girls of Fifth Harmony.

After thinking this over, I agree and she leads me to a room. As we walk in, all eyes land on me.

"Who's the hottie Lauren" Dinah says, well thanks for noticing how good I look but like an idiot I just smile.

"Oh shoot, what's your name?" Lauren says and she blushes probably from not asking me that.

"My name is Y/n" I say and they all smile, friendly aren't they.

"She is waiting for her sister so I said she can hang here" Lauren says and then sits down.

I walk over to Dinah and Normani seeing them play NBA2K16, yes a game my dad franchised, I love being the daughter of a game company master, I get games early, sometimes I get to test them, it's the best life, but like being rich, it doesn't bother me. I can get anything I want but one day I would like to work for my money and have my own place, just need a speical someone to share it with.

"Geez this game sucks" Normani says as she loses, okay the game does not suck my dad made it and two she only lost so no need for that.

"Don't be a sore loser, yo Y/n you like video games" Dinah asks me, well I don't know if I do at all... Wait hell yeah.

"Yeah I like video games, not so much on sports, what kind of games do you girls like, say if you wanted a game what should it be about" asking this is the perfect way to get inspiriation for my game idea.

"Well a good game would need a story, probably emotional so the player can feel a bond to the character" Camila says, so emotion is good, got it.

"Needs action something like a battle so the player can have fun and enjoy themselves" Dinah says, so action and battles, fighting style, I like it.

"A good envrioment is good, a chance to explore different places and build it all together" Ally says, good graphics, nice.

"A good story that has the main plot but also it continues on, so the game never ends, so you can enjoy it all the time" Normani says, never ending making it interesting everytime, great.

"Love" Lauren says, I look at her and just stare "A love interest or a relationship would be good for a game, gives the player a connection and it'll be amazing" Lauren finished.

"Um y-yeah, great ideas girls, if there was a game that involved all that I'm sure it'll be amazing"

"Totally" they all say in unison.

This Is The Life (Lauren/You) *OLD VERSION*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora