Chapter 22!

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Your POV:

The next day I woke up to feel a body cuddled up to mine and there was my girlfriend sleeping peacefully in my arms. I love her so much. I kiss her head and quietly got up. I went to the bathroom to have a quick shower and then I got dressed (Outfit Above) I went back in the room to see Lauren still asleep so I went down to the kitchen and made breakfast for us. I also made Sniper a fresh bowl of food and water.

As I was finishing up the pancakes I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned around and met with a pair of lips againist mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her.

"How did you know it was me" Lauren said as she pulled away.

"Because there's no one else here and I know what your lips feel like" I said and opened my eyes to meet her green ones.

We both sat down and ate the pancakes, I cleaned up the dishes as Lauren got ready and then we went out to finally get my piercings. I parked the car and we both walked in. We looked around and seen the work this guy does.

"Hey, I'm Jay, you got an appointment" this guy with a lot of piercings said.

"Yeah I'm Y/N" I told him and he checked the book and told me to take a seat which I did. I told him what I wanted and he started. Through the small pains I held Laurens hand. I hate needles but yet I still get piercings and tattoos.

Finally done and Lauren hasn't stopped staring at me. She said she loved them but still. We are laying on my bed and she hasn't moved her eyes yet so I turn to look at her.

"Baby, stop staring it's freaking me out" I say and she smiles a little making me smile.

"You look really hot though and I don't want anyone else to take you away from me" she says and she moves to straddle my waist.

"How about we show the world that we are so in love and let's do the girlfriend tag" I tell her and a wide smile appears.

"Yes baby yes" she says and she gets off me and we set up the camera and we sit on the bed and begin "Whaaats up Stormers back for another video and today I am here with my beautiful and talented girlfriend Lauren, babe say hi" I say into the camera.

"Hi" Lauren says and gives a small wave.

"Isn't she cute, well today we are going to do the girlfriend tag because why not" I say and I get my phone to see the questions I got.

"Okay first when and where did we meet"

"We met back in January and it was in the studio you got 'lost' walking down the halls" Lauren says.

"Yeah I was lost, big place" I say making her laugh.

"Where and when was our first kiss"

"Um..." Lauren starts making me raise my eyebrow "Like a proper kiss or cheek kiss" she says.

"A full smack on the lips babe" I tell her and she looks down "I don't know" she says.

I lift her head making her look at me "Me either" I tell her and I peck her lips making her giggle.

"Where was our first date"

"Ooh you took me to that lake and we had a real cute picnic" she says making me smile and look at her like she's my everything.

"Y/N, the next question" Lauren says nudging me a little.

"Huh oh yeah um... How long have we dated" I say.

"Since January 14th" Lauren says.

We answer a few more questions and then we end it there. As the video ends I kiss Lauren with so much passion. We pull away and she smiles at me.

"What was that for" she asks. "I just love you so much" I tell her and she pecks my lips.

We decided to head out and go to a carnival and we spent the rest of the day going on rides and playing games. I won Lauren a large stuffed wolf. I would do anything to make her smile.

Here is chapter 22 hope you liked it.

Love Life

~ Molly.

This Is The Life (Lauren/You) *OLD VERSION*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ