Chapter 19!

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Your POV:

We are in Texas and we get to spend time with Ally's family and me and Lauren are in the guest room just spending time but I have had a thought for a while. I know how Ally likes to bake so I want to ask her to do a video with me for youtube, people know we are on tour so it's understanding.

"Babe, I'm gonna go find Ally because I've been wanting to do a video with her" I tell lauren and she looks at me with a pout.

"When can I do a video with you?" she ask cutely making me awe at her.

"When the fans know we are dating then we can do the girlfriend tag and loads more stuff, sound good" I tell her and she grinned wide and gave me a kiss.

"Sounds great" she says and then I searched through my stuff for my camera and tripod and went downstairs to find Ally in the lounge.

"Hey Jesus" I said making her laugh and me smile.

"What's up" she asked looking at me and her eyes scanned the camera.

"Well I want to do like a bking video with you like a new series on my channel called Baking with Ally and well it stars you" I told her with a smile.

"Yes yes yes, that sounds amazing, let's go" she says excitedly and she literally drags me into the kitchen.

I set up the camera on the tripod and checked for the best lighting and then I positioned the camera so we are both in the shot.

"Before we begin what do you want to bake?" Ally askes me as she is really excited.

"How about some cupcakes" I ask her and she smiles.

"Yes, okay how many?" she asks and we need to feed a lot of people.

"How about 36" I tell her and she goes wide eyed but agrees and I help her get out the ingredients since some are in high cupboards so I have to help with that. When everything is set out I click record and we begin. And I become more hyped as usual in the videos.

"Whaaaat's up there my Stormers and yes we are back with a new video, woo, I realise I haven't done videos in a while but you watch my streams on twitch so that makes me happy" I say into the camera with a smile on my face "And yes today I'm not alone, as you know I'm on tour and this lovely lady right here is the one and only Ally Brooke Hernandez" I say and gesture to Ally.

"Thank you for that lovely introduction, Hey everyone" she says and waves into the camera.

"So Stormers this is a new series on my channel called Baking with Ally and it stars Ally haha, but may also have some guest appearances, but for today it's just us and what are we making Ally" I ask Ally and turn to her dramatically, I tend to act so weird in my videos.

"Today Y/N we are going to make 36 delicious vanilla cupcakes with strawberry and chocolate icing" Ally says making me fist pump the air.

"That does sound so good right now, so Alls what is the first step" I ask her excited just to get started.

"Have you washed your hands?" she says making me pout and I walk slowly to the sink and wash my hands and then I come back "I'm clean" I say to her cutely.

"Good now I need you to pre heat the oven to Gas 4 and prepare the cases in the holes on the 3 trays while I cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until pale" she orders me and we begin our tasks. I decide to play some of their songs and we end up singing Bo$$ together while we work.

When I did my task Ally told me to beat in the eggs a little at a time and stir in the vanilla extract so I started with that task and it was so much fun hanging with Ally. Then as we finsihed that Ally then folded in the flour using a large metal spoon, adding a little milk until the mixture is of a dropping consistency then spoon the mixture into the paper cases until they are half full. I was watching since I'm not much of a baker unlike Ally. She then puts all 3 trays in the oven and let them bake until golden brown.

This Is The Life (Lauren/You) *OLD VERSION*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें