Chapter 13!

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*Skip to start of tour*

Your Pov:

 I got up in the morning excited to get this tour started, I packed everything that I needed for the time the night before and I was certain that this will be awesome for myself, the band and everyone. I got a shower and got dressed into my grey sweatpants, a grey t-shirt, grey nikes, grey snapback and my shades.

Then we got drove to the airport and got on the private jet that Simon arranged for us. Now I'm not the best with flying but I had Lauren with me which was more than enough.


It's finally the start of the tour and after a painful experience of flying and holding Lauren's hand tight we finally landed in Washington. We had a lot of taxis but finally got to the tour buses which were amazing.

Me, Lauren, Ally and Sniper walked on the bus and it was quite spacious. To the left was a kitchen area with a table and a few chairs and beyond that was a lounge area with a tv and a xbox one so there is time to sit back and relax. Then at the other side of the bus was a bathroom which wasn't too small and enough space to have and also 2 bunk beds making a total of 4 so I guess Sniper can have he's own space although he is a dog. And there was also a couch opposite the beds which is pretty cool. And past that was a big enough room to store our clothes and belongings.

We settled in and decided on our beds and it was time to get moving, no slacking aloud. So as we know we are staying in a state for 5 days, 4 shows to do and one day to do anything we like, then it's back on the road. It seems crazy but I guess it's possible.

We go to the first city which was Seattle and it was beautiful, we begin performing tomorrow so today we had to decide on outfits and our set list, we only have an hour each to perform which is a 6 hour concert which is amazing to do.

Me and the band walked into the arena with everyone else and we all went to our dressing rooms to organise everything.

"What's our look Y/N?" Shane asked me as we all sat down.

"Well it has to match our music I guess and since we are a rock band then we need a rock look" I told them.

"I just don't want our music to change us" Xavier said.

"It won't we will always be ourselves when doing this" I told them because I know what this industry can do to people.

After talking it through we all decided on what to where tomorrow and mine looked amazing, I can't wait for Lauren to see it (Above is what you'll wear).

We all sat around a table and decided on the songs to go through.

"What order are we performing in?" Natalie asked.

"Well we are first since we are like beginners, then I think Selena is following us, then Ariana, then Demi, then Justin and then the girls are finishing" Shane told us.

"I just realised that we don't have a manager" I told them just as Nate walked in.

"Hey guys" He says and he walks over and sits by me.

"How about Nate?" Xavier asks.

"He is not being our manager" I told them.

"Ew no, just manage yourselves, you can do anything you want then" Nate said making us all agree on that.

"So songs then, we need about 6 songs because we also have to talk to the fans and have a good time so let's think" I begin.

After almost arguing and a few shouting matches we finally agreed on the set list and it was looking good.

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