Kaori Kanzaki v.s Atomix

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Ben Tennyson and Misaka Mikoto looked into the deserted hallway of the hospital. So far so good. Despite their injuries they had so far been able to sneak by doctors without attracting attention. Mikoto was able to use her esper powers to jam all the cameras. Ben was supporting Mikoto in place of crutches due to Mikoto's broken leg.

"Looks like we're good." Ben said as he and Mikoto hurriedly limped through the hallway.

"You know what I find odd." sadi Mikoto. "Is that Tsuchimikado said we would have guards, yet no one has tried to stop us so far........"

"That's because Ben hasn't tried to go after Vilgax until now."

Ben and Mikoto whirled around to find Agnese Sanctis and several other nuns, one nun holding a giant wooden spoke wheel. Agnese Sanctis had her lotus wand out.

"Sorry guys." said Agnese. "But I can't let you leave here."

"Please." Ben said. "Agnese let us go........wait a second........Did you leave Sky Scorcher alone at home!!?"

Agnese readied her wand. "I'm sorry Ben, as your gaurd I can't move aside, plus Sky Scorcher is over there." Agnese pointed behind Ben.

Ben and Mikoto looked to find Sky Scorcher free of the Plumbers suit and walking towards them with a malicious grin on her face. "Hello Tennyson, we're in hospital so I won't be allowed to use my full strength, but you're screwed either way."

Ben cursed. He didn't know what kind of deal that Necessarius made with the level 6 pyro girl, but if it came to a fight here he was on his own. Mikoto couldn't use her powers here for risk of causing hospital equipment to malfunction and putting lives at stake. Ben would need to use a sturdy alien for this, someone tough enough to stand against a bunch of battle nuns and a single pyrokinesist who was forced to downgrade her power indoors. Ben activated the Omnitrix.

His body became green and plantlike covered in roots. His face became black with green eyes and no nose and his head was surrounded by a crown of flame like red spikes with one yellow spike on the center of his face. his feet ended in roots. A strong smell of methane began to fill the air.

"SwampFire?" said Mikoto. "Knowing you I thought you would have picked Bloxx*."

"SwampFire can take the heat." said SwampFire. "Plus I'm feeling nostalgic."

Agnese nodded to the girl on her left who had the giant wheel. The girl raised the wheel which disintegrated into giant wooden splinters that flew at SwampFire. The splinters rammed and imbeded themselves into SwampFire. SwampFire however merely grinned as small vines sprouted out of his body and pulled the splinters out of his body. The injuries from the wheel were instantly regenerated like nothing happened.

SwampFire ran at the Nuns and punched some of them. The nuns flew into the walls and fell unconscious.

"Ben careful!" Mikoto exclaimed.

"Don't worry." Said SwampFire. "I pulled back on those punches just now- OW!"

Agnese Sanctis had jabbed the ground with her wand which thanks to her magic had caused SwampFire to double over as if he had been hit in the gut with the wand. Agnese hit SwampFire again with several more of her magic jabs. But SwampFire was tough, he powered through the blows and managed to reach Agnese, grab her wand, and break it in half with his bare hands.  SwampFire pointed his palm at Agnese's face.

"Good night." Said SwampFire as Agnese fell unconscious from the methane gas.

But before SwampFire could resume knocking out more nuns, he was blasted off his feet from behind by a flame blast from Sky Scorcher. 

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Where stories live. Discover now