To Start A War

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In a windowless building in the center of Academy City, their was a giant glass tank full of red liquid and within it floating upsidedown was an interesting being who went by the name Aleister Crowley. He had the likeness of an adult, yet he also had the likeness of a child. He looked like a man, yet he also looked like a woman. He had the appearance of a saint, yet he also had the appearence of a criminal. It was calculated that he would live for thousands of years as long as he was contained wtihin that tank of red liquid. He was the general superintendent of Academy City, the one who pulled all the strings. And the one who was currently pulling more strings then ever to ensure the coming of the Great War. This was nothing compared to the World War 3 that had happened recently, this was the first Universe War. A war where magic, science, alien, human, everything would crash together to finally achieve Aleister's ultimate objective. And the boy at the center of all that......was Ben Tennyson.

The Omnitrix, Imagine Breaker, and Diagon The Destroyer. The three most crucial points to Aleister's plans were coming together and fusing at a rate that even he had never predicted. But this was no setback. In fact it was safe to say that Aleister was pleasantly surprised. The quicker this war came, the better. Their was just one more minor issue that Aleister had to address: what to do about Azmuth. That Galvan was probably the only being who had ever seen so thoroughly through Aleister's plans. But he would be dealt with soon enough. And the Omnitrix would be free to tie to Aleister's marrionette without any interference. Aleister smiled, everything was coming together according to his design, even Vilgax couldn't outwit his endgame, not with his pride in the way.

"Plotting as usual I see..........Aleister." A ancient monsterous voice echoed through the room, a voice that might have lain there for centuries none would have known about it.

"Old One." said Aleister. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Your plans Aleister, do not think that I do not know when someone intends to use me as a puppet. You are treading on thin waters.........magician." said Diagon the Destroyer.

"I have always known you would find out." said Aleister. "But that is of no hinderance to any of my plans. You think Vilgax will be your loyal servant forever......yet you yourself fail to see the danger that comes quickly to your doorstep."

Diagon's laugh echoed throughout the building. "Now it is you who have failed to see. I know of Vilgax's treacherous thoughts. But I have already taken measures to ensure that he remains loyal................however painful it is for him."

"War will come." continued Diagon. "And it will come to you firstly Aleister. You think that the puny boy who bears the power to negate all powers will be enough to defeat me? And not to mention the one who bears the insignificant device known as the Omnitrix. They are nothing compared to me. Even the Galvans and Annodites fear my power and strength. All shall hail Diagon, and I shall be everywhere!"

"We shall see........." said Aleister. He waited for Diagon to respond, but his voice was silent.

"Yes indeed........things are going quite well for me." Aleister said quietly.

Millions of lightyears away on the planet known as Galvan Prime was ginormous lab. The objects that lined the lab were of varying complexity, having been constructed with brilliance. And standing in the middle of this great library of science was Azmuth. He looked at all of his works without really thinking about them. The only work he even thought about right now was of his greatest invention, the device which he had entrusted to the boy whom he one day believed would play a great role in this universe, and perhaps the multiverse itself.

"Azmuth." Myaxx had enterred the room. She was the same species as Vilgax, however, as common to the female version of her species she was leaner and thinner and the tentacles on the back of her head were longer (Vilgax's muscularity and power was actually a result of experimentations and alterations he made to his own body.)

"What is it Myaxx?" said Azmuth irritably. "I'm busy."

"No you're not." said Myaxx. "You're just brooding like you always do when you're concerned about that kid."

"I told you, as far as I'm concerned the Omnitrix is his now, so what he does with it is his own business."

"Yet you still worry for him."

Azmuth sighed. "Yes......I do."

There was a silent pause.

"I'm sure you came here for another reason besides telling me about how much I worry about Ben." said Azmuth. "So spit it out if you don't mind."

"It's Diagon."said Myaxx. " there has been an unusual amount of activity from him of late,"

"Impossible, he was long banished from this dimension. Why would he bother communicating with it."

"There have been rumors circulating that Vilgax has been working to bring Diagon back." said Myaxx. "And after those issues with Aleister Crowley, I'm pretty sure you suspect something."

"Of course I suspect something Myaxx." said Azmuth. "But if we were to reaveal everything about this then we would only cause universal panic. So as of now, I refer to the advent of Diagon returning impossible."

"But you're still going to do something about it."

"Yes Myaxx, I would be an idiot not to."

"Then what will you do?"

Azmuth looked up at the works he had created and began to calculate numerous probabilities and scenarios. Finally Azmuth spoke. "Gather up my equipment Myaxx."


"We're setting up a new lab. Somwhere with a convenient location for my new research."

"And if I might be so bold........." said Myaxx. "Where are we setting up this new lab?"

"Earth." Azmuth said cheerfully. "The weather there I hear is nice this time of year. And the particular area that I want to set up just so happens to be treasure trove of things related to Earth's scientific background."

"You want to set up in Academy City?"

"Why not!?" Azmuth continued with his cheery voice. "I will still have this lab of course. But there is just one thing from this lab I would like to move to the new rig completely."

"And what would that be?"

"All research, devices, files, and anything related to the Omnitrix. Other then that, I don't think I'll need any major equipment, just the basics."

Myaxx looked at Azmuth with a stunned look on her face. "All research..........related to the Omnitrix? Sent to Earth of all places? Azmuth.....What are you up to?"

Azmuth cleared his voice and spoke loudly and clearly. "At this point, it doesn't matter how the destination is long as it's reached.

"And that destination would be?"

"You know that answer Myaxx."

Myaxx stared at Azmuth for the longest while. "Yes......I guess I do.......I always have."

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon