Accelerator and Impulser

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Academy City was quieter then usual. Not that it wasn't quiet at night even with thugs like Skill Out and several new gangs hanging around, but it was just a dead silence. The only noise that could be heard were the footsteps of a white haired red eyed boy walking back to his dorm. Accelerator, Academy City's strongest level 5 esper was not unnerved by the silence. He had faced much worse then a mere lack of noise. The futuristic looking walking stick he carried as well as the electrode choker around his neck was a testament to that. In his left hand, he held a bag of groceries. Because of the overwhelming discount on athletic items thanks to the nearing of the Daihensai, many of the stores had been overcrowded, which meant that Accelerator had been forced to shop late. As usual, he had 3 mouths to feed if you included his own, and he wasn't going to let an idiotic festival get in the way of that, so he kept searching until he found a uncrowded store. Accelerator never participated in the Daihensai, social events never held much interest for him despite his renown in Academy City. Accelerator's phone rang, when he picked it up a little girls voice spoke.

"Where are you?! Says Misaka, as Misaka worries about the boy who feeds her." (No this is not a typo, she actually talks about herself in the third person.)

Accelerator sighed. "I'm on my way back now. There was a holdup in almost all the stores so I ran a little late."

"But Misaka is hungry now!! Says Misaka as she rubs her stomach hungrily. And sister intends to play a prank on you when you get home, says Misaka as Misaka warns the unsuspecting boy."

"I'll be back soon, and stay away from the fridge or there will be no food for any of you." Accelerator closed his phone, his face expressionless. He continued his walk home. Suddenly he became aware of something odd about the dead silence. Nearby a generator was shaking, but it was making absolutely no sound. It wasn't rare to find personal generators in Academy City. Thanks to most of the power being run by one power plant and a bunch of wind propellers, having a secondary source of power in case of blackouts was a invaluable asset, especially in this area. But there was one thing generators like that always did, they always made noise.

"Impulser," Accelerator spat. "Is that you?"

From a nearby alley, a thin boy in all black clothing with wild red hair and glowing silver red eyes stepped out. Impulser gave one of his trademark psycho grins.

"What gave me away?"

Accelerator rolled his eyes. "Seriously? You've always went overboard when it came to stopping sound vibrations." Accelerator jerked his thumb at the generator to make his point.

"Can't help it, sound has always been a bit more difficult of a vibration to control. The wave lengths always felt slightly odd to me."

"Why are you here?" Accelerator spat. "I thought you were dead."

"It takes more then just a stupid building collapsing to kill me." Impulser said casually. "You of all people should know that."

Impulser yawned. "As for why I'm here, you see I have a job to do, but I'm currently on break you might say. And I thought I would take this opportunity to come right over, and see if you had gone soft like the rumors said. Beaten by the same level 0 twice, tsk tsk Accelerator."

"That boy was different." Accelerator spat. "And if you want a fight like old times, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. You no longer hold any interest for me." Accelerator walked past Impulser.

"Cut the tough guy crap!!" Impulser growled. "The real reason you won't fight me is because of those two living back at that dorm of yours!"

Accelerator stopped in his tracks.

"Ahh yes!!" Impulser cackled. "I know all about them!! What would you say if I were to pay those two clone defects a visit? Oooohhh the blood would be spectacular."

Accelerator reached his left hand over and turned on the electrode on his neck choker. "Are you sure that you want to go down that road? I can't guarantee that you'll live........"

"Since when did you warn your opponents before you killed them?!" Impulser spat. "Jeez, you really have gone soft!"

Accelerator suddenly ran at Impulser with his left hand outstretched, using his control over vectors to increase his speed. Impulser punched the ground with his fist and a violent earthquake suddenly shook the entire area, causing Accelerator to stumble and fall.


Accelerator got back to his feet using his cane for support. "Keh...bloodthirsty as usual."

Accelerator made several clicking sounds with his mouth and a huge wind surged up and knocked Impulser off his feet. Impulser made to punch the ground again, but before he could, Accelerator used vectors to rocket over to Impulser and kick him in the side. As soon as Accelerator's kick connected, the vector manipulation caused Impulser to fly off at the speed of a bullet and collide with a distant building, throwing rubble and dust upon his collision. Impulser walked out of the rubble, not even his clothing was torn. Impulser had manipulated vibrations in his molecules to make his body extremely durable. Even a vector manipulator like Accelerator couldn't hurt him easily. However, Impulser was in a tough spot as well, unless you counted his earthquake attack, none of his control over vibrations could surpass Accelerator's vector deflection. Any move he threw, even if he dropped the temperature of his surroundings to absolute zero, could get through Accelerator's defense. Any move he used would just be thrown right back at him. And his earthquake creation would merely cause Accelerator to lose his footing for a bit, but it wouldn't affect his esper powers. But Impulser wasn't the type to give up on prey easily, even if the prey was way out of his league. Impulser's hands glowed as he prepared to send out a heat ray attack. But something happened that caused him to falter. The area around the battle suddenly shimmered and creatures in white and black tech suits appeared aiming weapons at Impulser. Accelerator thought of them as creatures because there was almost no human among them. There were a variety of humanoid or nonhumanoid creatures. Their features varied from scaly skin to gills and fins. One of the only humans among them walked up and spoke to Impulser.

"Impulser, this is the Plumbers intergalactic police force, surrender and come quietly or we will be forced to use any means necessary to detain you."

"Neh!!" Impulser spat. "It's no fun when there is bunch of you......even if it would be easy to kill you all.

Impulser disappeared leaving a super sonic boom in his place, as well as the smell of road burn. The man who had demanded Impulser's surrender walked over to Accelerator.

"My apologies, I know this all looks pretty strange to you, but it's better if you just forgot everything that happened here."

Accelerator snorted. "I don't care who you are or what you are. I just want to get home. So you mutants can keep playing sci fi all you want, I won't judge."

Accelerator continued on his way while the Plumbers moved on to look for Impulser. But despite his earlier statement, he couldn't help but wonder..... What the heck was going on!?

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